
As you hold in your hands any of the gadgets from these three technological giants, you wouldn’t quite perceive who’s got the best in terms of information processing capacity, memory and display because all three carries excellent processing, superb memory and sleek display.

And what may be admirable for one person may not be so with another person, so who can tell who’s got the best. I believe that it’s for individual person to say what works best for him but for the sake of details of individual gadget’s information, let me share it here and leave the rest to all of you and respect what one will consider the best.

The Battle among 3 main things: Processor, Memory and Display.

Samsung Exynos 5 Octa

In the recently concluded CES 2013, Samsung unveiled a processor called Exynos 5 octa 8-Core Mobile Processor utilizing a Chipset of a supposed Power VR SGX 544MP3 GPU running at 533 MHz.

What’s got Apple to compare to this? Apple’s A5X that is in the iPad 3 has a less-powerful GPU that is based on the Power VR SGX 543MP4.

Apple A6 chipset

Also, Apple’s A6 GPU that is in the iPhone 5 only runs at 266Mhz, and with the iPad 4’s A6X GPU which is just about 300Mhz. Now, Samsung would be coming out with the Galaxy 4 that would be utilizing this processor called Exynos 5 Octa 8-core mobile processor.

Lenovo Snapdragon s4 pro

Would Lenovo have something to flaunt for as far as mobile processor is concerned? Well, Lenovo’s K900 cannot be outsmarted for their Intel dual-core processor called quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro that utilizes a 1.6 GHz Exynos 4412 processor. For us who are technologically ignorant about all this Hi-tech “lingo” would perhaps need an actual demonstration of this gadget to see how really fast these various processors are.

What about memory capacity that these tech-giants use? Well, as for that matter, the Samsung Galaxy SIII boast of a 32GB user memory and 64GB for micro SD slot. Lenovo K900 has 2GB of RAM and 16 GB of flash memory storage plus micro SD slot. Apple’s iPhone 4 has I think 512MB. As for the Display, all of these tech-giants use High-Definition Display in those Smartphones mentioned above.

So now the choice is really yours as to what’s the best. If you are going to ask me how I choose for the best cellphone, I look at those specifications. I then see what I do really need for my everyday activities. Most of the times, other people choose a gadget of so many functions and apps which in reality they are not even able to explore because in the first place it is outside of what they really need.

For example, I need a cell phone which has enough power in terms of processing to make a call and make internet search. I need just enough games as well as reasonable functionality of the touch screen.

Something that functions well to serve my specific purpose, that’s all! If you go over every detail of its specification, you would really get divided over which is best. What is best among these gadgets is relative. The battle of which is the best in terms of processing, memory and display goes through inside of you and to settle that within is to ask yourself, do I really need this and that apps? Do I really need this and that High-Definition Display? Do I really need this size of cell phone memory? The decision of who’s got the edge depends on what you really need and not what you want.

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4 Responses

  1. They can reach the top by focusing on the current market, and from there expand to other part of the world; especially African countries such as Nigeria would appreciate such products at cheaper and moderate rate 🙂

    I’m a Nigerian though, but I know what my people likes 🙂

    Thanks for your comment brother

  2. Looking at computer stores in this part of the world, Davao City, Philippines; Acer’s Iconia W510 could already be seen in the computer shelves here. But where’s the distributors of Lenovo ThinkPad Helix and others who have come out with their version of this Laptop-Pad? I couldn’t see yet their version of this kind here. But for sure, in a few days from now, they will be on the computer stores’ shelves here. I can only agree 100% that Lenovo will climb on the top. I’m so excited for the coming days.

    1. Lenovo really has the inspiration, if its innovation should continue, it may be able to overtake the US and Korean giants, but that won’t happen so fast anyway. thanks for your comment.

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