
Trust analysts, they have a way of following the trend to generate their predictions, mostly about issues that has to do with Apple who tends to be the most secretive in its dealings, analysts with their intelligence and tools comes out with predictions which sometime 100% accurate. This time around, the talk is about Apple shares.

Apple shares

What about Apple Shares?

Analysts has predicted that by the time the iPhone 5 and iPad mini launch will be clocking a year, there should be a speedy rise in the Apple shares and investors should be ready for a steady dividends.

Gene Munster is an analyst at Piper Jaffray, he shoot the Apple shares up to $900 target by the set time, his predictions was based on expectations on strong sales of the iPhone 5 to be the major driver that will take the Apple shares to the highs.

The figure came out when Munster joined Steven Russolillo and Simon Constable on digits to discuss the 2013 Apple Shares predictions.

Apple Inc is the popular maker of iPhone and iPads, it is the brain behind the iPods and Mac computers. Apple recently rolled out its iTunes stores service beyond the US, creating more iTunes store portal for more 106 countries and still extending, a lot of Apple users all over the globe has been asking Apple for this Apple, I think this will be one of the factors that will earn Apple more profit to further boost the Apple shares.

The iPad mini lead Apple into joining the competitors in the small tablet market, very soon, there is a news that the Apple TV is already a success and will be debuting. These are so much of the factors that will make Apple a winner in the just predicted Apple shares.




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11 Responses

  1. But do u really think after the failure of the iphone 5, the share prices wouls still shoot up. the samsung s3 and note 2 are doing much better and expected to catch up more in the coming year

    1. The iPhone 5 is not really a failure, except for the Apple Maps that was an error. The Apple shares price is not predicted mainly on the iPhone 5, but on all Apple products. Lets wait till next year and see what Apple will be up to in the stock market. Thanks for taking your time here.

    2. Even if 1 product failed it does not mean whole apple will fall down, apple still has it ace such as macbook pro and other products apple is pioneer in its Field

  2. I am agree with you, Apple will rise and rise only. There mac book rocks i am using it from 1 year, Iphone 5 is also too good in compare to soo called samsung S3, What anyone say just use and feel new experience.

  3. One has to think that Apple has much more in their pipeline. They trickle the information out to gauge interest and generate buzz (the latest Apple Television being the latest example). I love Apple products and believe they have much more to come in their product pipeline for years to come. That will surely make the their share price jump. It closed up today at $518 so there is a positive sign.

    1. A lot Apple has got is store is so promising to make them rise. Many people thought the iPhone 5 was a failure, yet Apple is still selling the piece of device in millions. Thanks for reviewing.

      1. well how can we say that iphone 5 is a failure , it had millions of orders even before its launch , so according to apple’s business point of view its a big success of APPLE

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