
Can you imagine your life without gadgets? Imagine you are asked to stay without your cell phones and laptops for a week. Unimaginable right? Well, technology nowadays has become the heart and soul of our lives. We wake up with technology and go back to sleep with technology.

In the race of mobile apps, CRM solution, data security and networking commonly used software related to, AI, machine learning, big data IoT, customer management software, etc. are creating their own impression in IT markets. To stay ahead of the competition, most of the companies in India are opting for CRM software services. In the past few decades technology has evolved drastically. For us as consumers, it is extremely important to understand the technology evolution and its impact.

The rise of every technology has some motive behind it. To understand the technology, understanding the motive behind it is very much crucial. Let’s take an example of CRM. Customer Relationship Management software solutions have recently originated term, yet explored and tapped by almost all the internet and software companies in India. Internet nowadays has brought the world even closer. Also, it has changed the dynamics of consumer behavior and purchase decision making. Almost everyone nowadays goes online to read the product/ service reviews before making any purchase. CRM services help companies understand their exact target audience, traffic sources and approaches to convert their prospects.

An AI-powered (artificial intelligence) smart city was made possible with power of big data collection and machine learning.

What is Big Data?

These days, one of the buzzes is big data. It generates a massive amount of data that can be gathered from every search made on the web to every activity done on social media and pinned into your CRM system. NGOs, government bodies, private institutions, IT firms, CRM services companies, name it and all of them are already making use of it.

There are some mind-boggling stats related to big data. Over 50 billion smart connected devices will be available in just 5 years from now to gather, analyze and process the data. The only challenge with big data is producing a vast amount of information in an unstructured way. This can be addressed through customer management software. CRM is a customer relationship management software that helps with lead nurturing.

SMEs and enterprise level companies usually have a vast amount of information about their leads, which needs to be organized. According to Statista, CRM services let companies achieve data hygiene and management freedom. 

Revenue from big data and business analytics worldwide from 2015 to 2022 in Billion US dollars
Here’s a projected revenue from big data and business analytics worldwide from 2015 to 2022 in Billion US dollars just to tell you how great the future looks.

Big data operates on three major principles – volume, velocity, and variety. Big data produces a large amount of data that is gathered from multiples sources like business directories, social media channels, marketing campaigns, and multiple other possible sources. After data acquisition, it is streamed at pretty high bandwidth to be accessed in a timely manner. This is done in order to generate faster real-time results.

Talking about variety, big data comes in different structured and unstructured forms. It could be anything and everything from videos, social media posts, text files, emails, audio clips, podcasts, eBooks, etc.

But, is that all? Is that enough?

Well, most of the digital B2B marketers will complain that they face major issues when it comes to lead nurturing. Big data with CRM software in place can help you generate higher ROI.

Digital Era

We are living in a world of digitization. Smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, and laptops have converted strangers into a community. Social media groups, Google searches and ecommerce product reviews have completely transformed the way consumers are making purchases these days. Recent customer relationship management software trends say that 94% of consumers nowadays check for online reviews or products/ services before shopping, according to data from Marketing Charts below.

When it comes to making purchase online, what online media do you regularly use to find inspiration for your purchases?
When it comes to making purchase online, what online media do you regularly use to find inspiration for your purchases?

Therefore, digital marketing is the most prioritized activity for every brand. Understanding where your consumers are, what are their usual behaviors and what instigates their decision making helps brands connect with their potential clients in a personalized manner. This, of course, saves on time, yet increases productivity.

But, to gauge all this, it is important to have detailed information. A lot of CRM software companies in India helps you achieve that. Do you know what your user persona is like? Which social media channels they often use and at what times? Who are your competitors? Are your potential customers visiting your website, but are not motivated enough to make a purchase or drop an inquiry?

A customer relationship management software will help digital marketers address these pain points in order to optimize their brand identity, draw in more traffic and help the sales team achieve more closures.

Big Data Empowering Digital Marketers

Additionally, imagine something like ‘big data’. Some tool that can provide all this information about hundreds and thousands of your potential customers with just a single click. Yes, that’s exactly what I am talking about.

A vast amount of data combined with a customer management software describing the source of your website visitors, various mediums of social media channels, their behavioral analysis, their motivation factors, their interests, etc. all brought to you right in front of your computer screens. This will help digital marketers define their target audience, create user personas, draw better digital marketing strategies and deliver the right content at the right times.

Creating content, social media posts, remarketing strategies, eBooks, case studies, PPC campaigns, video marketing plans all will become easier and more sensible when you know who to sell, where to sell, when to sell and how to sell.

Can Big Data be the new BFF for Digital Marketers?

Big Data Benefits

  • Cost-efficient: Instead of searching your potential audience at different places manually, get a tool that can do the tedious job for you, while you relax and work on ways to reach your target audience through a CRM software in India.
  • Time-saving: Ever wondered how much time and efforts you will have to put into research about at least half a billion people with a proper CRM system in place? Possibly, your entire career span, and that is a lot of time. But, what if you have a big data and CRM software/ tool that can do this for you?
  • Online reputation management: Big data is capable of analyzing human emotions. Based on that data, you can easily address grievances if any, moderate pointless communications on social media and turn negative publicity into a loyal customer base through personalized customer relationship management software.
  • Explore newer markets: When you have a sufficient amount of data about your target audience and their behavior, you can easily understand the red ocean and blue ocean segments. This will help you explore more viable opportunities to enhance your business potential and create personalized campaigns within customer management software.


Big data helps digital marketers get a massive amount of data in a structured and unstructured manner through various sources like social media, website, emails, audio-video clips and text files to understand and process this data in real time for increased productivity. This data can be analyzed, segmented and acted upon through CRM- customer relationship management software services in India. To better justify your digital marketing efforts, explore big data tools along with CRM services to gather, analyze and strategize your business potential.

Create a scalable and seamless product/ service range for your customers and build long-lasting relations. Build a strong consumer base that can help you earn referrals and earn a credibility factor, thereby giving you an upper hand over your competitors.

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One Response

  1. Loving article on big data for digital market players. Great information. Keep up the good work mate!!!!

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