Building a mailing list is one of the most important things a bloggers should focus on. You can strive to get lot of blog comments and thousands of readers to your blog, but without a solid mailing list, all that is just a fad. How do you think the famous and influential bloggers get to make huge sales from their products? Over 30% of sales made by most bloggers are made by promoting their products to their mailing list. Having a mailing list that has a high response rate and huge numbers can mean a great difference in how much of your products or affiliates you’ll sell.
In this era of blogging, how important is building a mailing list to you? Do you even have a mailing list? In this post, I’ll be sharing some effective ways to build a mailing list that will sell your products and affiliates for you.
Have an Opt-in Form in a Visible Area of Your Blog
If you visit some blogs that have been well established on the internet today, you’ll see how beautiful, simple and yet attractive their blog design has been made, giving them the opportunity to capture the email address of their readers. With good designs and attention calling opt-in forms, big blogs have been able to increase the rate of people that subscribe to their mailing list.
Two examples of blogs that have recently modified their designs to improve the way their email list converts are QuickSprout and WritersinCharge.
For both blogs, instead of landing to a blog when you type their respective URLs in the navigation bar, you’ll land on a static page analyzing the benefits of joining their mailing lists. And with this development, both blogs have been able to shoot up the number of their subscribers.
Offer worthy Incentive
People crave freebies and can give their email address for them to a get free item from you like the TechAtLast writing challenge which is currently happening. Prepare a product worthy of people’s email address, market the product to your blog readers and offer them the opportunity to download it for free on your blog just by subscribing to your mailing list.
The incentive you are going to offer on your blog must be a valuable one, if it’s not your readers will stop subscribing to your mailing list once they detect. And one’s reputation can easily become blemished on the internet when one offers worthless products.
Promote Your Mailing List to Your Readers
After signing up with a mailing list service provider like AWeber or MailChimp, you should start marketing your mailing list to your blog readers. The marketing process might need much effort: like partnership with other bloggers and guest blogging in order to get a lot of people to sign-up to your list.
With a good quantity of users on your list, marketing your new product or promoting your affiliate products will become a lot easier. And you’ll be able to make more money off your email list.
How do you build your email list? Which strategies have you used that resulted into huge sales for your product offers? Please share everything that you care to share with us.
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