
TechAtLast Careers/Internship

We are transforming the way we work and deliver at TechAtLast and your expertise may be required in order to achieve our mission statement!

Get in touch with TechAtLast Careers/Internship for a rewarding career.

In the course of our years of experience in the technology publishing and journalism industry, we’ve discovered some strange, yet fascinating truth about technology business growth, and to implement these sacred truths, we need intelligent, self-willed, friendly, game changer, leader, thinker, reader, and a leader to oversee some of the strategic positions in the company.

We’re in the process of total transformation to deliver cutting-edge tech journalism across the world. We need your expertise to achieve some of our outlined mission goals and objectives.

To make it easy for an outsider to join TechAtLast Team, this page was provided to give little idea of what is expected of you if you are interested in working at TechAtLast International, or any of our other consortiums.

We believe you will enjoy your stay here while you go through all the available information on this page.

Job Opening Positions at TechAtLast International

Part-time and Full-time Creative Content Writers

Location: South Africa, Nigeria, Malawi, Kenya, Ghana, United Kingdom, and America (North).

Web Developer/Coder

Location: South Africa, Nigeria, Malawi, Ghana, Asia, United Kingdom, and America.

Full-time Social Media Manager

Location: India and Nigeria.

Skilled Journalist

Location: South Africa, Ghana, and Nigeria.

Media Practitioners

Location: Nigeria alone.

Internship with TechAtLast

Internship with TechAtLast is an initiative that scouts for self-willed, audacious, ambitious, and tenacious young and vibrant minds that are willing to learn and take up skills in DIGITAL MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY.

IWT is also looking to position a cohort of interns in several departments such as Public Relations, Content Writing, News and Media Reporting and Content Development for 6-12 months internship period. Interns will work on groundbreaking projects, receive mentorship from international organization leaders, acquire different professional skills and provide support to TechAtLast.

The first set of TechAtLast interns have been chosen and they are currently working their way up to succeed in their chosen field, however, feel free to pitch to become the next TechAtLast intern.

To register, click here.

Get in touch with us for an advanced tech-focused career at TechAtLast.

* We’d get back to you within 24-72 hours from the time of sending the message.

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