
Cloud Computing Vs Mobile Computing – Which one is the best?

What did you understand by the term “cloud computing” and “mobile computing”?

The two hottest and mostly featured topics on the internet world (in the technology circle) throughout this year are; cloud computing (which comprises of series of data stored online for ease of access and modification) and mobile computing (the smartphones and tablets PCs).

Mobile cloud computingIt has raised so much concerns among all internet users, and some business strategist and information and communication technology (ICT) professionals have also confirmed the impacts. They all agreed that mobile computing and cloud computing are the major trending niche which took the technology industry by storm this year.

Almost everyday, what I hear mostly about is cloud technology which houses these two industry. Everywhere, you will see one or two information about cloud computing and mobile computing because they are the trending issue to discuss for technologiers!

Millions of headlines throughout the globe captured news relating to either cloud computing or mobile computing in one way or the other way and this really shows that this are the most read and viewed news on the internet presently.

This results shows the reasons why companies like Google, Microsoft, HTC, and Apple continues to introduce more products (Android, Windows mobile and iPhone) to the internet marketplace for consumers.

But, I’m just concerned about this trend and decided to write a follow-up to various articles that have been published in the past about cloud computing and mobile usage. Kindly check the links below for relevant information to enlarge more on this topic.


Cloud Computing vs Conventional Computing

Top Cloud Computing FAQ and their Answers

5 Commonly Asked Cloud Computing Questions which are yet to be answered

Cloud Email Hosting: What is it all about?

6 Unused features of Cloud Storage You Must Explore

Colocation Hosting – What You Need to Know at Will


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Thanks for reading!

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