
If you operate a small business from your own computer or a small network, then chances are you often keep things you are working on saved to local drives. While there are many benefits to moving to cloud storage, if you haven’t implemented this yet and are still operating locally, you might probably accidentally become a victim of data loss.Managing Big Data in the Cloud

Whether it is pictures from your camera’s memory, documents and other files from your computer, or audio files from your phone or tablet, it can be incredibly stressful when you can’t find the things you need, and can cost you a lot of time. At worst, losing files you need to deliver or use in your marketing can even cost you business.

The Importance of a Good Saving Strategy

Modern applications like MS Office will allow you to set an autosave, so that your computer will save your work regularly even if you don’t remember to manually ask it to save. This means that you can recover almost everything you have done recently if your computer crashes, assuming you can get it to reboot! It is a good idea to have this feature switched on, although on slower computers it may make the application run slowly while the automatic saves are taking place – this is better than losing work just because something simple like your computer overheating or Windows crashing occurs.

Automatic saving and recovery is not completely foolproof, however. You can still lose work if you have done a lot in the minutes between autosaves, and sometimes for different reasons files can’t be recovered properly. You should therefore hard save very regularly.

The Importance of Backing Up

Backing up the data from your computer to a different drive, or to another computer like your local network server, will make file accidentally deleted recovery much easier, or which become lost or corrupted. You can also consider backing up to the cloud, which can be a better option because you don’t have to worry about the stability of your back up location, schedule backups to run automatically, and run them regularly – how regularly depends on how much data you tend to add or change, and how important it is.

Buy Some Good File Recovery Software

Even when you are saving and backing up with a good policy, you may sometimes lose files. There are all kinds of reasons why this may happen, from accidentally deleting them yourself through to data becoming corrupt. It is therefore a good idea for your business to buy some file recovery software which can be run as and when needed to restore any missing files. offer solutions for file and photo recovery on Windows and Mac at reasonable prices, and products like these offer assurance that you won’t need to panic if a file is lost at a crucial moment!

Consider how you will be able to cope in the event of losing files, and also do all you can to prevent this with very regular saves and a good back up strategy.

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One Response

  1. Nice post. In my opinion, cloud storage is the best option. Depending on the size of their data, they could even use free options until there is a need for a paid service.

    Thanks for sharing.

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