
On a frequent basis, Google launches updates in order to enhance the experience of the online searchers. The recent release of “MobileGeddon” by Google is a supporting example for the previous statement. This MobileGeddon is meant to enhance the experience of the mobile searchers because this prefers the mobile-friendly website and on the basis of mobile friendliness, it controls the ranking of the website.

The update sometimes badly affects the ranking of the respective website that further causes a bigger loss for the business. Not even this, it also jeopardizes the online reputation of the businesses. Secondly, it also becomes difficult for the affected website to regain the same position or ranking in the search result. Therefore, every business owner should primarily be concerned about the imperative strategy so that they can easily deal with the Google algorithm.

At present, the cut-throat competition has made it difficult for the business owners to devise the smart strategy that can save their website from the adverse effect of the algorithm. Therefore, through this blog, we are articulating the smart ways to cope with the updates. We have gained all these tips from various online marketing experts, who have been associated in this arena for many years. Hope that it will be helpful for you.

Let’s have a glimpse below: 

Coping with Google Algorithms in a 12 Easy-to-Follow Steps

How to deal with Google Algorithm updates

Proceed Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Google has launched a mobile-friendly test tool, where anyone can test mobile friendliness of their website. Here, you only have to enter the URL and click “Analyze” button that is on right side of the search bar. After clicking Analyze, it will present the report card. If your website qualifies, then you do not need to worry. On the other hand, if your website fails the test, then you have to consider the recommendations in order to make your website mobile-friendly.

Initiate Page Speed Insight Test

The algorithm of the search engine is coded to prioritize the website’s ranking according to the performance. Here, performance is related to the loading speed and response time. The better is the performance, more will be the chance for your website to get good rank in the search engine result page. There is a Page Speed Insight tool by Google; that enables you to analyze the performance of website on desktop and mobile.

Here, you just have to enter the URL in the search bar and click Analyze; after then, it will showcase the seriousness of the issues, if any exists in the website. By highlighting issues, it will help you identify the faults and remove the faults to make the website better.

Configure Your Website According To Mobile Features

In these 5 years, there is a multifold increase in the usage of smartphones. Various data sets show that more than 70% of smartphone users prefer accessing the internet through their mobile device. Hence, it is imperative for you to configure your website for the mobile, if you want to expand business exposure in the digital channel.

Whether it is content styling or performance, you have to transform the website content in order to make it compatible with all the features of the mobile devices. The best way to do so is  to adopt the ‘mobile first approach’ while developing the website. This approach will half the efforts and minimize the cost.

Make Search Engine Aware Of Website Configuration

In order to ease the way for search engine to identify the type of your website and index the website, you should keep the search engine updated in terms of your website configuration setting.

This step will affect ranking not only on Google search engine but also on other search engines like Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Clear Away Most Severe Faults

While making the website compatible with mobile device, we mostly overlook the faults. That further jeopardize the reputation and put the business in danger. Let’s have a glimpse over the most common and severe faults:

  • Broken Links 404 Error: This is the most common error that is not easy to be spotted. It can only be corrected if a website owner checks every navigation and link in the content.
  • Leave JavaScript, CSS & Images File Blocked: Many website owners leave the JavaScript, CSS and image file blocked that make it difficult for the search engine to index the website.
  • Not Working Content: Sometimes, the video content does not work on a particular browser that results in bad user experience and deplete rank of the website.
  • Invalid Cross Links: The invalid cross link means the link in the web page that redirects a user to irrelevant page. This is also one of most important errors that hinder indexing process and harm the ranking.
  • Slow Speed: Due to heavy images and function, the speed of page loading decelerates that provides unpleasing user experience and leads the search engine to pull down the rank.

Take Help Of Online Press Release

By generating the online press release, you can pave the way for effective inbound marketing. For creating a buzz, you can share the media pitches with a journalist, who can help you enhance the visibility of the story regarding your business in the digital world.

It is good if you define a press release or media section in your website page so that visitors can explore different events or latest happening inside your business.

Removes All Bad Links

Only good quality and relevant backlinks can render the best result for your business. Having any single bad links can harm the business ranking, even if most of the backlinks created for your website are good.

Thus, do not feel lazy or reluctant! Analyze your website from every angle, try the best analysis tool in the market to find out the bad backlink that is associated with your website and remove it, until it is too late. The negative effect of the bad link is so extreme that it becomes very difficult to regain the same ranking in minimum time.

Think of AdWords Alternative

Although the Google AdWords is a features-rich online advertising tool, with the changing time, it is becoming expensive due to increasing keyword bidding cost. Therefore, you should think about the alternative of Google Adwords.

In the recent years, various platforms, such as Flipboard, StumbleUpon, and others, have been launched that are not much expensive and have extensive features. Thus, select the best platform that suits your business and your budget.

Develop Unique & Informative Content

In order to stay ahead in search engine result, every website owner should invest the valuable time in creating the best of the best content that features crucial information, unique concepts and expressive nature with no slang & grammatical errors. The content should be well crafted in order to target the relevant audience so that they would like to go deeper while reading the content. This will automatically boost the web traffic as well as generate leads for your business.

Make Use of YouTube

YouTube is not only the video based search engine, but also a social media platform where the users share videos. The video-centric platform has now become more popular than the other social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. And, the reason behind this is people like watching videos rather than reading a blog or an article.

YouTube is one of the amazing platforms that can bring the web traffic through video content for long time. Here, the life of the posts is longer than  any other platform. More importantly, at present, the competition for the keyword has reduced; hence, this is the best time to post videos with proper description having keyword so that you can boost the business ranking in the digital world.

Improve User Experience of Website

User experience is one of the most imperative features that every website owner should consider while deploying the website. Every search engine prioritizes the website ranking according to the user experience on that website.

Therefore, from quality content to proper functional navigation, the website owner should implement every imperative feature that accounts for enhancing the user experience. The website developers should also research the best features in the market that can enhance the functionality of the websites.

Establish Brand Image With Effective Approach

Implement multifarious long-term digital marketing strategies in order to reinforce the identity of your brand. But, make sure your strategy does not comprise any unethical practice that can harm your business ranking and reputation. Use the power of every social media platform, media and analytics tools in an effective manner for establishing your brand.


Google comes up with different algorithms frequently. It is your responsibility to keep an eye on new features released in the algorithms. Did your website affect by algorithm? What did you do when this was happened? Please share experience via comment section given below. We will pleased to exchange words with you.

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4 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing this interesting idea about Google algorithms and its ranking system! its very fantastic and an ideal way to deal with Google algorithms.

  2. Thank you! I always use your ideas, and I appreciate the time, stress and effort you put into sharing these Google algorithm lessons!

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