Purchasing online is something we all do. E-commerce companies spend a lot to acquire a customer, then there is expenditure to retain the same customer. With so many competitors in E-commerce, companies have to push themselves a little harder to set a benchmark.
According to eMarketer, the global e-commerce market is projected to surpass a staggering $3.5 Trillion within the next 5 years! Criteo in their recent study revealed that more than 34% of global ecommerce sales were on mobile in 2015 and in the year 2016 is forecasted to be at 40%. This steep rise in only predicted to grow higher and will soon be a primary medium of shopping for shoppers around the globe.
Effective e-Commerce business owner don’t joke with these tips, you shouldn’t too!
Security during agile development
Security is something that should be looked upon from Day 1. If you don’t know what an agile development is, let me explain it to you in brief – Agile development means more team collaboration and greater flexibility while deploying the mobile app. This means that implementing security during agile mobile application development is a must to achieve greater security.
Layer your security
When it comes to vulnerability in mobile applications, it is all about how secure the layers are in the applications. All you need to do is make sure there are no bad sectors in the layers. You should try Devknox plugin while writing code in Android Studio, it will help you give better suggestion and auto check what you write.
Build a fantastic in-house security team
This is a good way to start with. You must hire a security researcher so that he can trace all the harmful areas of the app. Almost all the E-commerce apps in the world are vulnerable. They do not pass the basic security checks. There might be several reasons for it, one of them could be that the app owners take security for granted and think it is an unnecessary cash burn to invest on security.
Later on, Hire a 3rd party App Security Team
Allow them to hack you. It is better to get hacked via a mobile app security team rather than a hacker who is ready to dispose of your data into the Internet! Let your in-house team be assisted with their services. You should not compromise on security at any point of time. While on the long run, it would be best to hire a team that can look after you.
Use Less Permissions
Users hate it. There is an unnecessary deterrent created amongst your users with the help of social media that apps take more permissions for no reason. Security starts from telling your customers that your data is secure. Check out this article and see if any of those permission is being used by your app, think about it and discuss it within your team. Having less permission is the key to greater installs.
DDOS Protection
Distributed Denial of Service attack is an attack with which hackers can make the network unavailable to you. As an E-commerce company, you have to be proactive towards security as data and financial loss can drop you down to nadir. You might never know why your users went down because they might not have access to your listings. DDOS attack is something that is loved between the hacktivists.
Promise Users Only If You Can Handle Traffic
Do not be too much optimistic. It happened in India before, when Flipkart started Billion Dollar Day sales and the servers crashed because the website couldn’t handle too much demand. Many companies are going app only, if your company is still having a website, please consider the possibility that website servers might affect mobile app users. Loyalty is gained when you deliver what you promise!
Intelligently Store Billing Information
As an E-commerce company, you must know that your loyal users love you and most of them have you in their pocket. Saving card information and automatic transactions are sexy, but you also have to take a note what if the phone is in the hands of someone else! Analyzing whether or not to store sensitive billing info should be something you must think over again and make it more intelligent.
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