
It is now live again, the battle lines are drawn between the Google owned Google+ social network and the facebook over the new features that the two company are adding to their service on daily basis. Few days ago,Google launched its own social networking site known as Google+ and give user access to test the service which later see many people giving good feedback on the service. However, facebook on the other side have integrates a video calling feature with the help of the famous VoIP calling giant, Skype to start its own facebook video chatting features that allows users to chat with each others while also doing others things on daily basis.

Earlier this week exactly on 6th of July, facebook announced the new features that the service will start to be rendering to its users. The CEO of the company, Mark Zuckerbarg made the announcement at the press conference in state of California at the company’s headquarter. Mark started by announcing the “Launching Season 11“. The program which comprises of the new development of facebook features that are still on the way and those that have arrived for usage.

According to the Facebook announcements from Zuckerbarg that facebook will be rolling out new features and some are already on the way. Some of the three popular features that was announced in the video session are:

  • Group Chatting Feature: This feature enable user to add his/her friends to the facebook group chatting feature. You can’t chat with everyone on your facebook profile randomly. But, you can chat with friends that you have add to your facebook group chat and the messages that you shared on this group can be seen among all other users that are available in the group. You can also view all the chatting history of all users in the group even when the person is not online.
  • New Chatting Design for Better Experience: Before, all your facebook friends that are online are going to appear on the right side of your computer screen, but the new facebook chatting display works great. You will be able to see all your friends that you used to chat with right online and you can chat with anyone from there. You can also limit the chat to those that you want. You can tell facebook chat to display you that you are offline and you can choose the person that you want to have access to chat with you or not.
  • Easy Video Chatting Capability : Mother of all the announcement is the facebook video calling feature that enable you to make a call with your friend while they are online. You can get access to the facebook chatting feature via Facebook Chat Page. You can also follow the tutorial on this page to know How to Activate Facebook Chatting Feature on Your Profile so that you can be able to start using facebook chatting immediately.

This development is a new dawn for all facebook users but can this service go far than the one google+ offer its users? Let’s see what is going to happen… 🙂 🙂 🙂


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5 Responses

  1. Hi Olawale,
    Now facebook has everything in it and the new thing is Skype on facebook, Thanks to the wonderful post.

  2. The facebook video calling feature that enables the user to call a friend who is online, is awesome. Facebook has surpassed Google+ in all possible ways.

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