
Facebook news feed changes and your action points

On Tuesday, Facebook announced updates to what content is displayed in users’ News Feed. And in our efforts to keep you posted on the latest regarding this new Facebook news feed changes, we wanted to share a very quick overview of the most important takeaways for your content:

The new facebook news feed change sets to hurt your business. See why.

Facebook May Now Show Multiple Posts From The Same Source

What Facebook said:

“Formerly, we had rules in place to limit you from seeing multiple posts coming from the same source in a row. But with this update, we are easing this rule. Now if you run out of content, but want to stay longer by browsing through your News Feed, you will discover more content.”

What this means for you: Facebook will no longer bundle or hide posts from the same source of content. In the same vein, more pieces of your post have a higher chance of being seen by users, and may drive more referral clicks each time readers share your content. This means optimizing those share messages through tools like Hootsuit or Naytev, can galvanize more referral clicks.

Facebook Is Prioritizing Posts That Users Share Organically

What Facebook said:

“Content posted directly by the friends you care about most, such as links, photos, status updates, or video will algorithmically be processed to show up higher in the News Feed so you are less likely to miss it.”

What this means for you: Organic sharing from your website is now more critical than ever. Publishing content on your Facebook page will still drive engagement, but the visibility of your posts will likely have less and less priority over organic shares from your site and app visitors. This update is not too surprising – Facebook has systematically reduce the reach of Pages long time ago, that is why it was tagged  “Death of Organic Reach” by Martin Beck in his post.

Facebook Is Deprioritizing Posts That Friends Like and Comment On But Don’t Share

What Facebook said:

“Lastly, many people have told us they don’t enjoy seeing stories about their friends liking or commenting on a facebook contents aside what they wanted to read. This new update will make these updates appear lower down in News Feed or disappear totally, so you are more likely to see the stuff you care about directly from friends and the pages you have liked.”

What this means for you: As with the second update, this further solidifies organic sharing as the primary driver of visibility on social media. Facebook post Likes and Comments are still very helpful in there little way, but Facebook Shares are king. We’ve noticed this transition first hand, and want you to use it to your advantage.

Ex: Facebook will deprioritize posts like this where users like or comment on a post shared by a brand (in this case, Jasper’s Market)
All of these updates point to one overall shift – organic sharing is becoming more essential by the day. And with several options of automation tools powering your content, you will automatically capitalize on the new transition.

In a nutshell, if you want to gain the larger proportion of your Friend’s Facebook activities for your brand, you’ve got to embrace “Shares” than you do for “Likes”. With the new update, Likes has been limited to a certain extent, whereas, if anyone comes to your website and shares your content (upon request or willingly), it is a signal of recommendation and authority for your brand.

Let us hear what you have to say about this new Facebook news feed change. 

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8 Responses

    1. Hey Tom,

      This is already happening. I have seen a slight reduction on TechAtLast profile page but improvement in my activities on Facebook. This serve as a result of new facebook news feed changes that is recently been pushed through.

      You can take advantage of this switch.

  1. In the last, when I working with Facebook fanpage, if users just hit like button of any post in your page, their friends would also see it.

    But now, it’s no longer work like that and I need to change the way to attract more readers.

    1. That’s what’s going on with Facebook. Everything is fastly changing in the way the social network work – they constantly change their algorithm which is a sign that user can also explore other easier platform like Google+.

      Thanks Alize for coming around. I’ve been to your website. It was cool. 🙂

  2. Facebook it is a very nice site for social media promotion. We can share that all information about business and also personal. We can create world wide web contact any person for purpose of business and etc. So really it is trust able social network site .

  3. Facebook has changed a lot from past time and has come up with fine changes and updates whicch are very good when they are used by the user. Waiting for more updates.

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