
Google Android is a Google based OS platform which has continue to make astounding achievement in overall sales. During the last six months, the platform have recorded sales that have passed that one of the popular mobile smartphone giant, Apple iOS platform. Android is a mobile device platform that is powered by the Linux kernel. The Linux Kernel as a result of Google acquisition of Android Inc. sprouted its growth since 2005 and Android is one of the popular mobile phone platforms then and even now that Google has acquired it.

Here is the chart that shows how the Android OS has risen over the years by starting from Cupcake to Donuts, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread and now Honeycomb. This infographic is produced by TopInfographics.Rise of Android OS

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6 Responses

  1. Wow Android Rocks. The biggest looser here is not Apple IPhone, but Nokia. For last 2 years, Nokia almost lost all of its smartphones market. Today Symbian is considered as DEAD by most of mobile developers. I’m very curious what will born from Nokia and MS cooperation. But truthly say I’m very doubtful if the can beat Android 🙂

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