
Ever wondering how you can improve your business and attract more sales? This article talks about how to get good and high-quality customer support systems in place to tackle customer support challenges that businesses face daily.

Live chat is one of the valuable tools companies incorporate into their online sales efforts. Customer service representatives use chat to answer simple questions and give product support to web visitors. This is also economically efficient since text chat lets businesses provide support without investing in extensive call-center systems. However, text chat has its limitations. In many situations, a client’s problem calls for more expansive support than reps. can provide via textual responses. VeriShow, multimedia, and real-time collaboration platform upgrade the live chat formula, letting companies address more challenging customer needs

The scenarios below show how an interactive, collaborative approach can enhance customer support and also increase sales:

How High-Quality Customer Support Can Enhance Service Delivery

Steps to Improve Your Customer Service Departments
In tough business times and tougher economy, improving customer service delivery has been proven to be a working charm to getting ahead. As a business, more emphasis is to be placed on implementing a high-quality customer support solution to cater to your business needs.

When textual advice isn’t enough

Often, a client might not understand text-only feedback. If, for example, the customer is having trouble using a product, the most helpful instruction will come with visual aids. When an agent notices this opportunity, he or she can easily use VeriShow’s apps to incorporate audio, images and video content in real-time, helping to solve the issue. The platform’s option for recording sessions also lets customer service reps. view a history of each client to better inform current sessions.

When visuals are a must

When supporting clients in highly visual markets such as consumer goods, the use of image and video sharing can speed planning processes and facilitate projects as they progress. Users can create an interactive experience for clients, reducing the need for multiple in-person meetings to present plans and sketches.

For a more personal approach

A personal approach is required in many cases, such as when selling high-value products or exchanging sensitive information (such as medical data) while supporting a Web visitor. In these situations, a face-to-face Web meeting is much more personal and trustworthy than a text chat.

You can leverage VeriShow, it is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that doesn’t require installations or downloads. A free version is available here.

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11 Responses

  1. Great review. Personally I prefer the old fashioned telephone support when I’ve made a purchase but I also realize that’s not always practical once a business advances to a level where customer support demand is in high demand and profits are not that high yet. Been there, done that.

    A cool thing about VeriShow that I appreciate is that it’s free for bloggers. That’s a nice touch.

  2. It’s cool that it allows showing things. I think that that’s a huge advantage over the traditional telephone support.

  3. this is great! most of the time companies focus only on the personal approach, but it misses a lot of things, such as details and recorded information.

  4. great! most of the time customer service communication tools focus on one area and loses abilities on the other. this is a great mix of personal and detailed customer help.

  5. Whether it’s textual or spoken, IT Support is very helpful and useful for any individual who uses a certain service. It’s also important for a technician to offer high quality customer support for his or her clients. Because it increases the reputation of the service provider amongst its clients.

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