
In the digital world, it’s a common thing to create PDF documents that are only meant for certain users. And this makes sense as the PDF is one of the most secure formats out there. It can prevent unwanted users from tampering with content you want to lock down.

However, did you know that, by itself, the PDF format isn’t fully secured?

Believe it or not, despite its incredible capacity to protect the content it contains, the PDF format can still be misused. Users can print up your PDF, rearrange the pages, add content and even copy it word for word. All it takes is a PDF application that allows users to do so.

Imagine all that being done to a dissertation you took months to complete, or a report you painstakingly put together, or content you originally intended for a specific publication.

Thus, as secure as you may think a PDF file is, you can—and should, secure it even further.  From important business contracts to simple content submissions, PDF security can be useful and handy for any kind of document. You never know what may happen!

Now although some simple PDF creation tools can already create quality PDF documents, not many come with the advanced security features to lock your PDF down tight.

And this is where Able2Extract 10 fits in. This PDF tool is a PDF converter, creator and editor. With one installation, you can get a ton of features for working with your PDFs. Most notably,  it comes with security features you can use to tailor an advanced security system for your PDF document.

With Able2Extract 10, the process of creating and securing a PDF document is simply a matter of specifying your options. The following steps show you how easy it is.

Creating Secure PDF Documents with Able2Extract 10

1. In Able2Extract 10, go to View> PDF Creation Options…

Creating Secure PDF Documents in Able2Extract 10

2. Go to the Security tab in the PDF Creation Options dialog. Here, you can opt to secure your PDF document with password protection. You can even decide which common file permissions to assign to your document.Able2Extract 10 PDF Creation Options

When securing PDF documents, adding a password for opening the file is highly recommended as it can stop malicious users before the document is even opened. After your recipient passes that security level, you can then determine exactly how he or she can interact with the file. In other words, you gain control over your entire document right to the end!

3. When you’re done selecting your options, click on OK. Note that the options you choose here will affect all PDF documents created. Thus, you may need to change these options for any subsequent PDF files you create that need different security options.

4. Then from toolbar in the main interface, click on the Create icon on the toolbar to start creating a PDF from an existing document.Able2Extract 10 Create Icon

5. Locate and select your file in the dialog that appears. Click on Open.

Able2Extract 10 Open File option

Able2Extract 10 will then start the conversion automatically and display the newly converted file when the process is done:Able2Extract 10 output

6. Click on the Save icon on the toolbar to save your new PDF document with a name and in a location of your choice. Note that newly created PDFs aren’t automatically saved as .PDF even though the conversion is displayed. You will need to save it manually.

Able2Extract 10 Save File Option

And that’s all there is to securing newly created PDF documents with Able2Extract 10! Going forward, your PDF file will be secured and only allow users to work with your file as specified. You can test this out with a PDF viewer:

Able2Extract 10 security feature for passworded file

Document security doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. A simple file permission and password can do the trick, and with Able2Extract 10, you can do it in one single session with the software. It’s as convenient and simple as clicking on a few options and can save you a lot of document-related stress in the future.

The version 10 of Able2Extract app features top-notch innovations in PDF conversion technology like:
  • Convert anything to Excel (not just PDF)
  • Edit PDF text directly (add, delete or modify text) using WYSIWYG text editor (all changes of the    text style are immediately visible)
  • Merge and extract PDF
  • Further enhanced conversion accuracy (Able2Extract’s signature feature)
  • And host of other amazing features.

You can try this secure PDF creation feature for yourself by downloading the Able2Extract 7-day free trial from the website.

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