
Apple iPhone 5 Infographic

The rumor of the Apple iPhone 5 device is the among the top most searched news on the internet now. Everybody want to know when the exact phone is going to become that real physical smartphone that everyone talks about.

No one want to wait anymore another day – and yet, Apple hasn’t officially announced the date. Though there are rumors here and there but the actual date is yet to be announced.

Most Apple fanatics are in a hurry to get the phone (and that includes me πŸ™‚ ), the reason for this is because of the cool features that we believed is going to arrive with the device come Oct 4 as rumored by top technology blogs on the internet.

For the fact that iPhone 5 will be available on sale as at October 4 this year doesn’t guarantees everyone of its affordability. Some group of people may have the capacity of purchasing the phone, while others may have challenges of buying the phone due to high cost.

But there’s no excuse if you’re a real Apple fan!

And for this reason is why I share with you this Apple iPhone 5 infographic picture that shares an idea of kind of people who can afford the iPhone 5 upgrade and those who cannot.

Do you have what it takes to have this phone? Let see what this infographic has to say on this issue before we continue to learn.

This iPhone 5 infographic covers all areas of the phone. How the phone will work, the kind of connection embedded in it, the service providers (contract), range of service, types of people that are going to buy it, average age of those that are ready to buy it and others.

Read below to check the iPhone 5 Infographic picture now and also drop your comments, observations in the comment section below so that we can engage others to learn…. πŸ™‚Apple iPhone 5 infographic

This infographic picture is brought to you by AYTM (Ask Your Target Market) and research firm PaidViewpoint along with Mashable.

What do you have to share about this infographic? Let’s here πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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10 Responses

    1. Vous Γͺtes les bienvenus ici. J’aime votre commentaire.

      FIY to other readers in this thread.
      This is the english version of this conversation: Thank you very much for this post for this entry. Continue.

      And I replied that: You are welcome here. I love your comment.

  1. I know I will be upgrading. My iPhone 3G had dialed its last number and I’ve been patiently waiting for the iPhone 5 release like a kid waiting for Christmas.

  2. That infographic made things easier for me to understand rather than just numbers and Anyway, whether I can afford iPhone 5 or not, I’m still not gonna buy it for the reason that it would be impractical for me. My iPhone 4 is still working fine and I don’t need a new phone for now. Besides, I barely use mobile phones nowadays because I’m stuck at my laptop most of the time. πŸ˜€

  3. I will definitely try to use this because this is still accessible and the applications are reliable. In fact, many iphone users will enjoy its function and they will be satisfied with how the iphone works for them.

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