
Being able to access information online ‘on the go’ has had a massive effect on the way we can do business, as well as on our personal lives and the way the internet reaches more aspects of what we do. 

Although originally based on the idea of laptops, it was the emergence of the smartphone that really took the whole idea of the ‘mobile internet’ to the next level. Now there has been another step in the evolution with the mass market penetration of the ‘tablet’ form factor.Tablet Security

The emergence of tablets as a whole new class of device has seen yet another leap in the way the mobile internet is perceived and the opportunities it offers.

Of course, ‘mobile internet’ doesn’t just mean the connections we make when we are out and about via mobile phone networks or public Wi-Fi systems. Being able to roam freely around the home or office whilst connected to the internet is something we now all take for granted and the design of tablets inherently takes this into account.

Having a good Wi-Fi home network with a fast broadband connection is essential for many people these days and using a Virgin Media fibre broadband service is a great way to get the best service at great prices.


Although any decent internet provider service will come with some security considerations already in place, it is up to the user to make sure they keep their tablet safe from the many threats that connecting to the net can have.

Most people give some consideration to security issues when it comes to their home computer or laptop and the use of firewalls and antivirus programmes are things that are more than likely used in one way or another. Tablets are also vulnerable to threats and in some cases more so, as they often rely on a network of unfamiliar servers and data connection points as we travel around and use them out of the home or office.

Identity theft

We carry larger amounts of personal information with us on our tablet devices as memory capacities increase and we use them for a wider range of functions.

Identity theft today means hackers and scammers target our digital devices, but losing your tablet is the easiest way for personal information to fall into the wrong hands. This means that sensitive data should always be encrypted.

Taking easy steps such as clearing cookies, histories and login details can also save you a great deal of trouble, especially if you use public systems regularly.

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6 Responses

  1. I was not aware of the security threats that my tablets could face. But after reading your post I have adopted the necessary steps to keep my Android tablet safe and secure.

  2. Hey Olawale, you have picked up a very good topic. Talking about security, we actually are lagging behind when it comes to the safety of our devices. We all are aware of cyber crimes and none of us would want to be involved in any, but we don’t do anything to stay safe.

  3. you know I was just worrying about this very thing, what happens when my tablet gets lost or stolen? I have so many logged in accounts on that thing!

    my only comfort is that I can remotely wipe it!

    1. Thanks Andrew, it is pleasure seeing you around here. It is true, you can remotely wipe the contents on your phone with the latest technologies around but the issue lies on getting the right tool for such services. Like in Africa where I resides, majority of these services are still under development, they cannot be compared to the ones available in other part of the world.

      BTW, thanks for taking time to comment here 🙂

      – Olawale

  4. Olawale,

    You have raised sveral good questions!
    Few months ago I was a victim of a malicious Android app, it’s successfully stole ma address book and started spamming on behalf of me.

    I also noticed that antivirus softwares and firewall applications may cause high CPU and memory usage on my tablet.

    But ok, lesson learned 🙂

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