Brand new Social Network giants, Bebuzee have seen a tremendous growth and results upon launch just shy of four mere months ago, having reached nearly 6 million users, without any particular Mass Media Coverage. It is understood that unlike other major social networks they do not have any use of user data (sell personal data on to third parties) who provide content and traffic. This is said to be a brand new way of attracting millions of users. Honestly, who wants to be exploited for their personal information only to be sold it back to them unwittingly?
In this respect Bebuzee is ready to announce itself as a brand new and unique social network which allows users to share revenue with them. Social Networks are normally free, because all or most of the revenue is generated through marketing and advertising. Bebuzee has recognised this and came up with a new way of allowing users to form a partnership with their social network. All users will share revenue with Bebuzee from the second they sign up. At least by doing so, Bebuzee users will feel that they are part of something. The fact that Bebuzee are giving one dollar to every new signup exceeds what any other present social network can offer. Supposedly users will continue to earn more, adding to their dollar by posting and sharing. It just goes to show that if Facebook or Twitter had come up with such thing many years ago, then they would be way ahead of the game.
Updating statuses, viewing profiles, sharing images and earning whilst doing that, naturally marks a new era, while ensuring the users privacy and confidentiality of data consistently. Joe Onyero, founder of Bebuzee has publicly said “It is time users benefit, offer them return, dividing our profit.” He believes strongly in this, reiterating that without the users Bebuzee would hardly even be where they are here, today.
This importance in this huge feature is the originality injected into the company, with them stating: “take care of the users and return to them, rewarding the time they spend on the platform. A simple rating on a photograph, the sharing of a status amongst other things” automatically provides the user with an amount in their earnings. On a per thousand impressions, the user receives $0.50, and for each click on the ads they receive $0.25. The stats and figures surrounding Bebuzee’s way of suceeding as a brand new social network is astonishing, yet we are hearing there are two or three more revenue making features due to be released this year.
Interesting features on Bebuzee
Bebuzee has everything a social media user would expect, plus more. The platform itself, boasts a string of innovative features, starting from the standard status update and rolling news feed, to Photo and Video uploads; Rate My Pic; BlogBuz for blogging; Fan Page for public figures; Business; Entertainment organisations. A brilliant addition for those who wish to publish or advertise their business, they announced the huge Worldwide Business Search/Directory which enables users to add their business or organisation, with information, website link and direct contact details, including photos, direction maps and reviews.
Adbuz lets business grow with targeted audience
Adbuz is an advertising platform for businesses and organisations, who wish to grow and promote their own business to a particular targeted audience in order to attract traffic to their own websites, creating huge growth in revenue. Adbuz users will be able to attract millions of clients or customers across the world.
Adbuz is said to be operating on an individual server soon, and run by a completely different team. Bebuzee will very much still be controlling its actions. This is said to allow Bebuzee to focus strictly on what they do best, running a social network.
Competition is said to be no risk to Bebuzee as they hold contracts to several affiliate sites. Bebuzee have negotiated and agreed a deal boasting more than three thousands of these websites as partners with the potential to grow even further beyond this.
Most social networks often provide some form of messaging or direct mailing. Bebuzee have perfected their very own one of these and brought a modernised version of the traditional Messenger service. They are currently developing and will soon introduce further new features, most of which have never been heard of in the Social Media world. All features are designed to create social engagement within the site to accommodate and encourage users to post continuous content comfortably, allowing their earnings to increase via the traffic generated by doing so.
Our user comes first! How true is this?
As a brand new social network, they strongly believe that the user comes first. They are a global network growing together. They also stated, “We didn’t grow ourselves out of thin air, we hugely thank the millions of users who helped us get to where we are today”. As reported via our news station.
Hugely quoting the importance and beliefs the staffs at Bebuzee have they stated to us that “Trends come and go, it is the same with Social Networks. Bebuzee wasn’t made to go or deteriorate similarly to the likes of MySpace, but to cement a place in the world of social media, enabling millions to connect and live”.
Wise word? Of course, they weren’t fibbing.
It is understood that users are able to voice their disappointment and provide feedback, reflecting upon any aspect of the site or services. No Social Network can monopolise the market and dictate privacy policy to remove users’ power over their personal information, they have stated strictly that they are against such practises. A quote from a Bebuzee spokesman states, “We promise not to sell personal data to marketing companies and give the user full power over what information they feel safe to share or disclose.” Fair comment.
General users do not tend to leave an internet provider because of advertising or data sharing, so Bebuzee has come up with the revenue sharing feature, which provides adverts, but also creates a win-win situation for the end-user, while keeping their data private. The potential to generate such extra income is absolutely phenomenal and limitless. No other social network apart from Bebuzee, values their users as much as Bebuzee appreciates theirs.
More than just a social network, Bebuzee is a new platform for web enthusiasts, where originality, innovation and ethics revolutionise the social universe. If you have any questions or queries on what you may have just read, do not hesitate to call the news line or speak to Bebuzee directly upon signing up if need be.
i think in few days bebuzee will gain more popularity than Facebook and other social sites because it is offering more features than any other sites so people will go for it rather than any other sites.
Interesting information…social media is best way to generating traffic and easy to increase your ranking
Interesting information. Social media is best way to generating traffic..i think in few days bebuzee will gain more popularity than Facebook and other social sites because it is offering more features than any other sites so people will go for it rather than any other sites.
Yeah, the rate at which the site is growing these days calls for more reasoning owing to the fact that it took Facebook few time to reach millions of users which Bebuzee achieved in a matter of months.
Although there’s high acceptance of social media today than when Facebook was first got started but still, it offers more to the users looking at the way it handles privacy issue and others.
I believe they’d live up to the expectations