
Data Science – 6 Pointers on How Web Developers Can Leverage Data Analytics to Solve Problems

In its simplest definition, data science is a method used to solve complex problems. This often involves a multidisciplinary blend of information extraction, data inference, program development, and application of technology. In its technical description, data science is the practice of learning, mining, storing, moving and using data that comes in different forms. This includes […]

Can Big Data be the new BFF for Digital Marketers?

Can you imagine your life without gadgets? Imagine you are asked to stay without your cell phones and laptops for a week. Unimaginable right? Well, technology nowadays has become the heart and soul of our lives. We wake up with technology and go back to sleep with technology. In the race of mobile apps, CRM […]

Understanding Big Data Database Testing vs. Testing of Traditional Database

Big data is now full-fledged as a modern-day technology which sets the base to many of the enterprise resource planning applications and platforms. In the current world of massive digitization, we are getting overloaded with various kinds of data, which needs to be captured, stored, and analyzed for various references. Mishandling of vital data may […]

Use of Cloud is Growing With Cloud Security Concerns

As companies moved to the cloud to simplify their IT management, including improving security, they’re learning that it’s not as simple as “shift applications to the cloud and watch the magic happen.” It’s not that most organizations see it that way, but that is how it is when the companies feel it one way to […]

8 Killer Data Visualization Tools for Meetings Organizers

You could robotically spout off data and facts to your audience during a presentation, but this may not have quite the effect you desire. Even though you may have carefully selected and analyzed the right statistics that support your claim or proposal, raw facts and data can be difficult to understand and to follow along […]

How Fintech Companies Can Leverage Big Data Analytics

The entire financial service industry has been taking advantage of big data for some years now. Technological advancement is really changing how people handle transactions. Fintech basically comprises of companies that maximize the latest technology to boost their financial systems. Top financial companies and brick-and-mortar banks are enjoying the wide range of solutions that it […]

Here Are the Top Marketing Trends of Successful Marketers in 2017

When it comes to getting the words out there about your products and services, you need good marketing strategies. No matter how good your products or services may be, not setting aside winning plans to take it to the market will ultimately result into lack of exposure, and no sale! It had been proven by […]

Big Data and the Cloud in 2016: Changing Formations

Big Data and The Cloud Features: Big Data and The Cloud:- The Internet of Things Experts estimate that 50 billion objects will be integrated into the internet by 2020. Smart phones, tablets have been integrated for some time, and now wearables such as watches, eyeglasses and even some clothing items are being integrated as well. This […]

How Big Data Solutions Inform Big Business Decisions

Exactly how big is big data? Micro-blogging platform Twitter sees almost 340 million tweets on a daily basis. Every second, ten thousand people use their credit cards one way or another. Where does all this information go and how is it stored? All over the world, almost three exabytes are created every day. It sounds […]

Big Data Management: Steps to Manage Big Data in the Cloud

As the Internet rapidly becomes the place for almost anybody to store and transfer data, this space gets crowded with chunks of information that require huge computing power to process them. The term ‘big data’ refers to large amounts of digital data that are difficult to process and, up until recently, only huge enterprises had […]