Trust Issues: Tearing Down the Silos in Blockchain-Based Systems
Blockchain-based systems have been continuing to progress nowadays. As of now, there are already more than 100 blockchain platforms across the world, just only a year after this kind of system became a hit. In fact, Bitcoin, one of the most successful and renowned cryptocurrencies, has recently generated $882 million net revenue. But similar to […]
Cryptocurrency: Top 8 Women In Cryptocurrency Industry
If you look at the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies – the blockchain, you will be convinced of its much wider applications than providing a basis for cryptocurrencies. This revolutionary technology is one of the important aspects behind cryptocurrencies’ rise. If any of the above real world, national or regional currencies starts losing its value or […]
Bitcoin And Blockchain Technology: The Challenges and Way Forward (Explanatory Infographic)
What do you know about Bitcoin and Blockchain technology? Over the years, the Bitcoin blockchain has proven for being strong. Bitcoin blockchain has even withstood cryptographic verification and adversary attacks, when attracting more investors, users and participants. Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Limitations and Challenges Currently, there are some limitations in the Bitcoin blockchain design. They […]
How Cryptocurrencies Can Make The World a Better Place
There are many pointers to the emergence of new world order as cryptocurrencies disrupt the way we live. From money transfers to online gaming, database management to healthcare, blogging to video marketing, cryptocurrencies are becoming the ground norm. When Dogecoin emerged a few years ago, it was a leisure coin that quickly earned the moniker […]
Should Bitcoin Really Be The Blockchain Standard-Bearer?
With so much hype surrounding Bitcoin and Blockchain, it can be challenging to separate fact from a flaw. You might think of Bitcoin and blockchain as two halves of a whole, but in reality, they are very distinct commodities. Which begs the question: should Bitcoin be the blockchain standard-bearer? Perhaps one of the simplest ways […]
How Blockchain Technology Works in Layman’s English – Infographic
Do You Know How Blockchain Technology Works? If you haven’t been living on Mars, you surely would have come across the word “blockchain technology” at least once. Agreeably, you are not so techie-minded, I will take it like that – but you must have heard about cryptocurrency, or about some of its babies such as […]
Bartini Aerotaxi: Man’s Wheels In the Air while onboard Blockchain Taxi!
Russian based distruptive tech-startup, Bartini, is planning to disrupt the air space transport system by showcasing the prototype of its groundbreaking flying Blockchain-powered AeroTaxi project to the residents of Skolkovo, in Russia. About a hundred years ago, mankind took to the skies, with the Wright brothers blazing the trail in early aviation technologies as opportunities […]