TechAtLast Contest 2012 Winners Announcement: And the winners are!
Last February, we started a giveaway contest on this blog where we offered to give great prizes to all the winners in the contest. Though, the contest was scheduled to last for a month but circumstances beyond our control lengthened the contest announcement. We’re very sorry for that. The contest as we have promised when […]
The Contest Update So far – The Winners are
The prize on the last contest we had here on techatlast was to give away free ads spaces, basically banner ads to our readers for a whole months. But, along the line, even when the offer was still going on in process, the site suffered an httaccess error, the error which was originated from the […] Contest Results – And the Winners are!
Last month, the first ever techatlast giveaway contest was announced and there are lots of turn-ups for the contest and according to what the contents of the promises we made, I’m ready to fulfill those promises now so as to give you update of the contest. Here below are the top five outstanding winners for […]