7 Ways to Nurture Customer Loyalty with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Using artificial intelligence (AI) can help you offer personalized experiences to your customers and potential buyers. But did you know that it can help you build customer loyalty? Here is how: Grand View Research, Inc. predicted that the global artificial intelligence (AI) market size will grow to $390.9 billion by 2025. Why will this market […]

CRM Software – 5 Essential Features of An Effective Customer Relationship Management Software

CRM software adds advanced features to help small and mid-sized businesses increase sales. But what are the essential features of an effective customer relationship management software?  Customer relationship management systems are designed to automate the collection and analysis of data on different market actors (such as customers, partners, competitors, contact persons). It helps companies to […]

The Super-Charging Power of AI in Customer Service Industry

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere today. We interact with it every day, sometimes without even knowing it. Plus, it is getting better and smarter every day. The world is moving from simple mindless chatbots to being more accepting of the notion of AI and what it means. Today, app development companies are integrating AI with their […]

5 Strategies to Create Powerful Omnichannel Customer Service in Your Business

The quality or standard of customer service can make or break a business. Since the internet has put a vast wealth of information and access to nearly anything in the hands of anyone with a connected device, people have enhanced their expectations of customer service. They want help, and they’re impatient. Omnichannel customer service allows […]

How to Build a Consistent Customer Relations With Ease

It’s always better to retain customers than to attract new ones because the cost involved in getting new customers is much higher. Around 90% of online consumers shop from different brands. Statistics also reveal that, largest majority of these people are not loyal to any of these brands in particular. Therefore, it’s important to focus […]

Want to improve your customer service? Think about the Cloud

Customer service is such an important facet of any business, and even more so in the digital age of the empowered consumer. While this may be easy to say, how often do businesses do really accept the value of getting this right? Web desk help company, Help Scout, states that 78% of consumers have given […]