3 Crucial Online Security Tools to Keep Your Data Safe Online
As news of major data breaches seems to come on what feels like a daily basis, from Heathrow airport and the NHS to social media services, it is understandable that cybersecurity is a growing concern, not just for businesses of all sizes but for everyday internet users too. According to the Gemalto Breach Level Index, […]
Online Security: 3 Ways to Protect Yourself Online from Hackers
The fact that you are reading this article shows you are among the millions of global citizens who are connected on the internet. The digital revolution has brought with it many benefits but also changed the way people look at their personal security. Not so many years ago the term ‘security’ solely referred to one’s […]
5 Ways To Have a Secure Online Transactions
Secure online transactions…is that even realistic in this era? We are living in modern times where almost everything can be bought via the Internet. You can just simply click on a purchase button, enter the requested information and that’s it. This is one of the easiest ways of shopping but, as well as it is convenient, it’s […]
Digital Certificate – Its Architecture, Process & Interactions
Digital Certificate which is also called as Digital ID, is one of the credential which is used to provide identification over internet. In other words, you can say it’s similar to driving license, national or international passport. It gives an information about the identity of the particular entity or any information related to it. It […]
Why Online Security Plays an Important Factor for Online Users in Today’s Virtual Jungle of Internet?
In its infancy the internet was only used by Physicist and Research Academics, but now internet has become an essential part of life. Throughout the world, people are becoming habitual with using the internet. People are getting their work done with computers rather than doing it manually. The Internet is one of the biggest revolutions […]
Computer Security and Internet Security Tips
Computer Virus has become a real time headache to many newbie computer users because of lack of computer security ideas and techniques. Some users finds it hard to understand that when it comes to the issue of virus attack; staying away from it is not the main solution to the problem on ground but to […]
Microsoft Warns of Mobile Phone Phishing Scams Attacks
There lots of phishers throughout the world that are posing as a computer security experts and the major purpose of their lies is to steal money from individuals and businesses by installing malicious software on people and companies computer for easy access to it in order to steal viable information. According to a survey conducted […]