
Mobile First Strategy: Vital Element for your Business Today

With the advent of smartphones, an entirely new world has emerged that can be termed as technology-eccentric. This shift to the mobile platform has, in turn, has made lives easier. Be it online bill payments, shopping, on-demand delivery, or even undergoing bank transactions; the mobile phone is a prized possession. Here is a report on […]

Responsive Web Design: The Key To Better User Experience

Predominantly, portable mobile devices including smartphones, tablets, and netbooks, have become increasingly popular for browsing online. Until responsive web design was introduced, websites that were designed for desktops display an unreadable layout and design when using different browsers on mobile devices. Nowadays, mobile online access is not only possible, but also easy and hassle-free for […]

Why Google Loves Responsive Website Design: 5 Action Steps for Follow

Google loves responsive website designed to attract, engage and deliver to its customers on irrespective of the medium they use; all at the same time! If you don’t know this, now you know! Most of the people are browsing the internet using their Smartphone’s and tablets, it has become an essential requirement to create the website […]