7 Awesome Apps that Help Busy Families Connect
Managing your home and family takes so much time that it could be a job of its own. On a daily basis, you need to coordinate everyone’s schedules and still find time to make dinner, run a load of laundry and clean the entire house. With so much going on, it can be easy to […]
How To Make Effective Use of Social Media for Customer Engagement?
It has been rightly said that no other platform can provide you customer engagement better than social media. Social media has emerged out as a medium that provide businesses a platform to showcase their products and services. Most of the web users learn about various brands and businesses from social media. Therefore, one should make […]
Making A Great Social Media Marketing Promotional Strategy
The planning phase that precedes the execution of a task could be the most tedious of the whole process. That is just true of planning social media marketing promotional strategy. Abraham Lincoln’s quote will suffice here: ‘if I have six hours to chop down a tree, I will spend the first four hours sharpening the […]
Win an iPhone 6 or $800 Cash Prize on the Bebuzee Selfie Competition
Bebuzee have launched a brand new Selfie Competition which is looking to fire up their all new Revenue Sharing Scheme, which allows users to share half of the revenue generated by adverts on the up and coming social network giant’s platform. Bebuzee has taken steps to ensure users are rewarded for all the time and […]
Social Media users have finally something to smile about
Brand new Social Network giants, Bebuzee have seen a tremendous growth and results upon launch just shy of four mere months ago, having reached nearly 6 million users, without any particular Mass Media Coverage. It is understood that unlike other major social networks they do not have any use of user data (sell personal data […]
Driving Traffic to Your Website; 3 Underused Social Media Platforms That WORKS Like Magic!
You know what SEO keywords are and how they work. You know that overusing a keyword can cause your post to look repetitious and elementary. You know social media can greatly impact the traffic a website gets. But do you know, in depth, how to best utilize these social media forms? It is more than […]
How to Utilise Social Media Correctly, to get the MOST OUT of your Brand
As most marketers will happily confirm, social media can be the making of a brand. If used effectively it can boost sales, heighten positive engagement between a company and its customers, and provide a superb alternative channel of communication. Here are some useful guidelines for brands still yet to approach: Steps to Utilise Social Media […]
How to Make Your Site the Next Viral Nova
The Viral Nova site hardly ever puts out any new content, but it still gets millions of unique visitors every month. It’s totally possible to replicate their success, but it could take some work. Here are a few ideas to start you on your way to create a viral website like Viral Nova. Building a […]
Earning a Living through Social Media: The Ultimate Guide
Social Media has only really been in our lives for a short ten years. LinkedIn launched in 2003 for business professionals, Facebook in 2004 for college students and Twitter just slightly later in 2006. More networks have emerged and we see a regular line of social network icons wherever we turn. We connect with our […]
3 Ways To Make Your Blog Less Dependent On Google – Ditch Google!
Bloggers need to stop being so dependent on Google! Chances are you’ve made big changes to your blog in the past year. That’s because Google, the world’s biggest traffic referrer, issued two updates that affected its search results. By now everyone knows of the Panda update that Google issued last year. This year they went […]