
Easy Steps To Create a FaceBook Fan Page

Today every website or blog has a facebook fan page to publish there contents or products directly to there supporters and followers.It has become a very good idea to attract more and more followers by just single click of a ”Like Button” you can join them and follow them.There Millions of user who are active its best to have facebook fan page to reach the millions of people by just sharing your contents on facebook and getting more likes.So i am going to tell u step by step how to create a facebook fan page.

The internet has changed, the way we do business has changed, the way we relate with each other has also changed and all these doesn’t happen without the influence of technology.

On daily basis, if you go to, you will see a lot of companies on Facebook that have fan pages where they share contents and some other vital information with their readers and some other things.

Musicians also make use of Facebook to promote their brand name as a musician by creating a Facebook fan page where they can be able to share information with their lovers. You too might have the dream of having your own Facebook fan page but you think it is too hard to create, no, in a matter of minutes now you will be able to create your own facebook fan page easily without much stress.

So, I will be showing you here today how you can create your facebook fan page. To do this you must go to facebook on your computer and login to your account.

Once you get to facebook and have logged into your account, then go to Facebook Page Creation Setup Page after that choose where your category falls in the image below on

If you’re offering services or you just want to create a facebook page for your brand name, you should be able to choose the category and then click next to continue.

After picking the category where your facebook page will fits, then you will have to enter your page name so (remember that that’s the name which people will use to find your page on facebook). After filling in your page details like names and others, then click the get started button and go to the next page where you will be able fill in your fan page details like address, website address, telephone number, and some other things like that.

Next thing you need to do is to add image to your facebook fan page and to do this is very simple, click on the image icon on your fan page and it will prompt you to go to your computer to choose image that you want to use for your fan page.

Once you finish that, then start inviting your friends and others so that your facebook fan page can be lively.

Things To Remember…..

  • To access your facebook fan page, you will have to go through a url like this But, if you want to be using a custom address like, facebook requires your page to have at least 25 likes before you can be able to have a customized url to your page.
  • Maybe you have reached the number of 25 likes on your facebook fan page and you wish to change your url to a more easier to use one like, then go to this link on your facebook account when you’ve logged into your facebook account and fill in the name of your fan page in the box provided and you are ready to go.

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