Top 7 Free Windows Phone 7 Apps

Microsoft Windows Phone 7 gained popularity since last year. But the main reason for it to be still behind is its marketplace. The Android market and the Apple App Store have a variety of apps and it is still increasing day by day. Well, Microsoft is also increasing its level.

Top/Free Windows Phone 7 Apps

 Here are the top 10 free apps that you can use in your WP7.

1. Facebook

The official Facebook application is available on marketplace for free. It has been recently updated for Mango users. It is fast, stable and includes all the pages of Facebook.facebook

2. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the most loved app of the users. Users had to wait for this app for WP7 but now the wait is over. This app can easily send messages and files to the user having the same app and it automatically adds the user to the contact list.WhatsApp-For-Windows-Phone

3. Twitter

Certainly this this also adds into the list of required social networking apps of WP7. Twitter has been widely used by the users and it is available on the marketplace.


4. IM+

IM+ lets you to connect with Facebook, Gtalk, Yahoo, Skype and many more. It  is fast, smooth and very easy to use.Im+-For-Windows-Phone


5. Ebay

Now buying and selling becomes much easier with Ebay application on WP7. It contains all the features of the EBay main website and very easy to use.ebay-1

6. Evernote

Evernote is an easy sharing app that helps you in sharing your important notes on the server. So now no worry if you lose your notes , they are safe with evernote.


7. The  Weather Channel

The Weather Channel App keeps you frequently updated with the weather. It uses your WP interface and shows the stats smoothly. It gives a detailed forecast of today and all the days in the week.Weather-Channel

Are there other interesting windows phone 7 apps you have used that you deem fit to be added to this page? Please make your suggestions in the box below. Thanks



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