
When it comes to getting the words out there about your products and services, you need good marketing strategies. No matter how good your products or services may be, not setting aside winning plans to take it to the market will ultimately result into lack of exposure, and no sale! It had been proven by experts that people tend to buy what they have seen over and over again. There lies the challenge to know how to get people to see your products repeatedly. This article set to expose you to some of the top marketing trends for 2017 from successful internet marketers that you can copy and paste into your business marketing plans.

Top Marketing Trends by the Numbers for 2017

E-Commerce Trends for 2017

Content marketing

In the last few years, content marketing has been among the top three trends. As an online business owner or brand marketer, you should focus on developing integrated content marketing strategies that are effective and innovative.

Research shows that the number of businesses employing a strategic approach has increased and this growth is expected to continue throughout 2017. Additionally, it is expected that more attention is going to be directed toward measuring ROI for content marketing as a result of the rising competition and cost of this form of marketing.

Actionable Steps to Win Big in Blog Outreach...
Winning Big With Blog Outreach: Effective content marketing strategy is one of the most effective marketing trends for improving traffic and creating awareness. Guest Posting is one of the main-driver of content marketing, where an author write for another websites as a guest or a contributor in exchange for link juice.

Big data


The ways in which Big Data can be applied to marketing include predictive analytics as well as market and consumer insight. Numerous businesses have seen data formats, real-time data and volume increase. If yours is among them, you need to tap into this value to boost sales by using predictive analysis for emails marketing and personalizing your website. Machine learning also comes into play as Big Data is used to determine the likelihood of conversion based on varying behaviors and characteristics of consumers. Big data is one of the top marketing trends of 2017 because of its huge impact on business development.


Big Data and the Cloud
Exactly how big is big data? Microblogging platform Twitter sees almost 340 million tweets on a daily basis. Every second, ten thousand people use their credit cards one way or another. Where does all this information go and how is it stored? All over the world, almost three exabytes are created every day. It sounds like a small number but if you think of a single exabyte as one billion gigabytes, you’re in for a treat. Big data is beyond what you are thinking.

Mobile marketing

This includes mobile apps, mobile optimization and mobile advertising. Over the years, you along with other companies may have adopted email templates and mobile responsiveness so the trend may not seem new.

Nonetheless, research has demonstrated that on smartphones, conversion rates for retail are markedly low, meaning you still need to put in additional efforts toward optimizing mobile conversion, even though there is a likelihood that they will always be lower than desktop conversion rates.

Furthermore, mobile has a strong influence on search marketing as Google implements mobile-first indexing. It is, however, important to keep in mind that there are still numerous internet users who use devices other than mobile – desktops, laptops and tablets.

There is a slight possibility that with mobile-responsive designs, there will be a decrease in conversion on screen with higher resolution if the site is optimized for mobile. For the best results, focus on adaptive mobile design approaches that serve content that is more contextual and relevant, as well as calls-to-action and reduced load times.

Mobile marketing is one of top marketing trends for 2017
Statistics shows that people spend more time on mobile phones than on PC. But sales on this medium isn’t as encouraging as expected. You still need to put in additional efforts toward optimizing mobile conversion.


Another aspect where you need to be careful about your interpretation of the implication of mobile first is the overall journey that consumers take, in which various devices may be used at different stages. The best approach to your mobile strategy should therefore be multichannel or multiplatform.

Rather than making radical changes in response to a perceived seismic shift in Google’s mobile-first policy, it is best to make progressive changes while keeping a close eye on how consumers respond to the shift.

Automation of marketing

Marketing automation includes personalization of websites, behavioral email marketing and CRM. It has, like content marketing, been among the top three marketing trends in recent years. A number of brands still have some way to go in their marketing automation efforts, according to market research.

To fill this gap, some of the questions SEO experts such as Green Meadows Media should answer with regard to your brand include where to begin and how to take your marketing automation to the next level.

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