
Doing everything manually is not that easy but with an automated service in place, you can be able to know is following you and who’s not following you anymore on twitter without stress.

Twitter is among the best social networking sites on the internet till this present time and it is ranked among the best 10 world-most visited sites on the internet.

Your being on Twitter is to get traffic to your blog, and that’s why this is one of the reasons that made people like you and me to be on the platform but, why would someone be fooling you to be your friend when the person is not ready to read from you? You need to know that from the start and unfollow such a person before time runs out –  you need to know how to use twitter unfollow tracker that are available on the internet. Just the same way like on any other social networking sites online, twitter also do experience spam bots on their systems and there is nothing to do about that than for you to be sure of protecting yourself from spam bots and spammers on the platform in order to share tweets with you.

Knowing who unfollow you after a particular time is the best way of keeping yourself up to date with what is happening on your Twitter’s account and that can also help you in knowing who you are sharing with and those that are not ready to read your tweets.


Here I present to you three tools you can use to know who unfollow you on twitter without stress.


This tool helps you to know who unfollow you or your profile on twitter without stress. The service can send you weekly updates of those who unfollow your profile and others. It helps you to know those people’s who are spammers or some spam bots on twitter so that you can stay away from them. The good news about this site is that, the service is free but there’s premium version of it in case you want that.

Goodbye Buddy

The name sounds funny though, Goodbye Buddy is a twitter unfollow monitoring tool that helps you get to know who unfollow you on twitter so that you can track them and unfollow them too. The service has to authenticate with your twitter account before you can be able to use the service.


Nutshellmail is another service which you can use to track your twitter account profile to know who unfollow you among your friends. NutShellMail helps you track your social media activities even more than twitter alone and you’ll be able to get stats of  your performance right inside your mail box every time you specified to get it.
There are lots of other cool benefits of using NutShellMail and some of them are mentioned in the video below so that you can get to understand the features very well.

What do you think about this information? Kindly share them below.

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10 Responses

  1. All Social Networking sites are releasing nofollow trackers now a days. FIrst Facebook, then twitter, then Google plus.

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