How To Win an iPad2

A human resources and online recruitment firm has offered an opportunity for all interested individuals to win an Apple iPad2 phone. The main thing you’re required to do in order to win this is to directly message @pinstripetalent on twitter by explaining to him your “best social recruiting success story”.

The best person with good and informative story will win an Apple iPad2 phone.

Entry for this contest is open from 12:01 a.m. Thursday, June 30, and the winner will be announced later the same day via twitter account or on the website of the company.

Advice to for you to be the winner…

As you know that it is impossible to send chunks of direct message on twitter but you can use this simple strategy by writing a blog post concerning this and then send it via the direct message on twitter so that the company representative can read it online or you can start sending the message one after the other by splitting it into a group till you finish.
Remember, it is iPad2 for free! Go for it now.

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