Benefits of CSS – How does it work with HTML & Java

The fundamental building blocks of web development are Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript (JS). While it is possible to combine these three languages, separating them into separate files provides numerous benefits that improve efficiency, readability, and maintainability. Even if coding is not a regular part of your routine, a basic […]
Web Apps vs Websites: 3 Key Differences Between a Website and Web App
To start off, the differences between a website and a web application is subtle and not cut-and –dried per se. This is why. A website is a group of web pages all compiled within a single domain name. The domain, therefore, has multiple pages within it which you could browse to obtain the information from. […]
7 Reasons PSD To HTML Conversion Will Benefit Your Website
A dynamic website actually represents a company’s profile in the online space. As per internet usage statistics 2017, approximately 3 billion people have access to the internet nowadays. That’s why it becomes necessary for every new business to make a good position over the web. PSD to HTML conversion is one of such approach which […]
HP Publishes webOS Enyo Framework under Open Source Apache license
Google Plus: How and Why You Need to Add Google Profile to Your Blog
There are lots of things that many people has said lately about Google plus affecting website SEO. Either true or false, that Google+ can influence website authority search engine especially as Google, we are going to understand well in this article. Google+ Profile! What is it all about? Google plus is known as a new […]