
Few Things You Do Not Know About Online Retailing, that you need to know today!

This is one of the blessings of the internet. Before the advent network of computers, purchase transaction is only successful when the buyer and the vendor dialogue until recently when the internet came into existence.

Online retailing is an electronic commerce that allows consumers to directly purchase goods or services from a retailer or seller through the internet via the web browser. Other names it is called includes; e-store, e-shop, online store, virtual store, web-shop, web-store.Need online retail success? Read on

This practice saves consumer the fatigue of going to the brick building to make purchases. All he just need do is to go to the market online retail store, choose a variety of products, make payment with his credit card, and the products will be shipped to his residence within the shortest time possible. In online retail transactions, buyers doesn’t have to communicate with anybody to make a successful purchase and most of these online retailers open their store 24 hours 7days.

Qualities of a good online retail service

Web User Interface

The website interface is one of the most important determinants whether a customer will like to return to an online retailer’s portal to shop. The interface must be user friendly, the load time is very important, the lesser the load time, the interesting it will be for customers, product mustn’t be jam-packed, it will be very easy for customers to surf if it is arranged in categories. A site search bar is very important, bringing accurate result as fast as possible will yield a very good usability. More so, the page should look interesting in design, people love something beautiful.


A very good online retailer offers shopping search engine, after a product has been found, the website must have a program that could accumulate all products a consumer has chosen, calculate them and make readjustment should in case. Some good web stores allow customers to do a onetime sign up, and login to their account whenever they need to make a purchase, all information are already pre-loaded.


A good online retail store must have good payment and billing systems. Most of them commonly accept Credit cards or PayPal. Other allow alternative means, such as Billing to mobiles and landlines, Cash on delivery (C.O.D.), Cheque, Debit card, Electronic money, Gift cards, Postal money order, Wire transfer, Invoice etc. Some web store will not accept international credit cards; some will require billing address and shipping address to be in the same country where they operate.

Product delivery system

For digital media products such as software, images, movies and music, the delivery system is often by downloading, and it must be instant for a good online retailer, there should not be any delay.

Other consumer products are usually sent by shipping directly to the consumer’s address. A good online retail service must be able to tell the buyer the estimated time the product should arrive, and for it to continue to receive a good business review, no time should the time be bridged by a second.

Other delivery method includes; Drop shipping, Printing, Will Call etc.


A good online retail shop will have a good design structure that includes a wide variety of product customers can choose from with competitive pricing.

Shopping cart systems

This is a system whereby product is displayed for customers to view. Good online retailers will add a short review of product, its accessories, and alternative products with good pricing. The product display should be in nice graphics and attractive enough to fascinate the customer’s eye.

Other qualities

A good online retail web store is not just a good looking website have nice technical features and ranking top on most search engines. Most companies produce online stores that support their organization brand name and culture without considering customer’s interest. Understanding customer’s want and need is very crucial. Always standing to the company’s promises makes the customers want to come back again, meeting their expectations makes them stay.

Customer needs differs, age, gender, culture and experience are important factors.

These are few qualities of a good online retail service, feel free to make your contribution and add more qualities in the comment section below.

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3 Responses

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing great article about how to choose best online retail servicing shop. This is very useful information for online review readers. Keep it up such a nice posting like this.

    Sekhar Reddy.

  2. Hi Daniel,

    Online Retail Services and Online marketing is such a blessing for us. Let’s face it; people are dependent to the internet now. Everything is searchable through the net. But the problem is there are so many online stores and retail services sites floating around the net. Thanks to this post, now it’s easy for me to distinguish what online store or online retail sites are good to visit.

    1. Hi Farell,

      There are so many of them, what makes the difference is delivery.

      Thanks for you contribution.

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