
Almost every person, who rides the waves of web is there on social networking website. The craze of social networking websites is that high that some people use Internet to access their social networking accounts only. If you also are addicted to social networking websites, then you must be familiar with Foursquare. If not; Foursquare is a popular location-based social networking service that allows users to check-in at ventures. GPS facility is used to track the location of user and then he/she is suggested a list of popular nearby places.

Foursquare has user base of over 20 million users and if you are also one of the esteemed users of this location-based social networking website, then here is something important for you. It was in the news that Foursquare is working on updating its Privacy Policy. Foursquare has sent an email to all of its users regarding the change in its Privacy Policy, that will be in live action from 28 January on wards.

According to the company, this update in its privacy policy is to bring a change in the way it displays its users’ names. The new Foursquare privacy policy is focused at making users’ names less confusing, that will allow  business setups to see more users, who checked in at their venues. A new document named ‘Privacy 101′ is also published for explanation in new Foursquare Privacy Policy.

Till date, Foursquare has been displaying its users’ names as ‘First Name+ initial of Last Name’. For example if your name is ‘Abhinav Arora’, it would get displayed as ‘Abhinav A.’ Though the full name gets displayed in search results, but with the new Foursquare Privacy Policy, the full name of users’ on the platform will be accessible across the site. This new Foursquare Privacy Policy and hence full users’ name display feature will be live from 28 January, 2013. Almost a month to go for it.

A special email has been sent to each user making them aware from new Foursquare Privacy Policy’. The email sent by the company reads:

Foursquare privacy policy

As you might know, you can see other users’ name while checking-in at any particular venture. If you are one of them, who may not be comfortable with this feature in new Foursquare Privacy Policy, and want to be anonymous, then you can do so by going to Foursquare’s Settings page where you can change your Full Name.

New Foursquare Privacy Policy is a matter of joy for business owners as they will get more flexibility to use this app for their business’s benefits, once the new Foursquare Privacy Policy comes into effect. As of now, business owners can see check-ins being there at their ventures, that were done in the past three users. But once this new Foursquare Privacy Policy comes into role, business owners will be able to see more check-ins.

Both these changes in Foursquare Privacy Policy that are going to be into effect from January 28, 2013, are good for businesspersons. They will be able to see the full names of users who check-in at their venture. The more user view capability will also land up as positive results for business owners.

The concept of publishing ‘Privacy 101’ regarding new Foursquare Privacy Policy is very admirable as Instagram is facing hard times and downtrend in its daily users because of ‘confusion’ caused by ‘Language’ used in its new privacy policy’s announcement. Foursquare does not want to face the same issue, that’s why keeping it simple. Good Move!

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