
How to Install Google Wallet for Galaxy Nexus

Google Wallet is known to be the new generation of online payment method which many people now believes to be the perfect replacement for the controversial payment method, PayPal. The new payment system is still available in the United States but hasn’t started working in full in other part of the world. Google wallet app as I’m writing this is already available in the Android Market and all you need is download and install it to your smartphone and viola, you are on with the help of Near Field Communication technology.

And within the next one minute once you’ve installed this app on your phone, making payment will become an easy thing for you without credit/debit problem.

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If you are a new app user and you’re unable to download this app to your Galaxy Nexus due to Verizon refusal to allow Google Wallet on the phone then follow the below steps to get the facility to your phone and start using it immediately.

But new app users could able to download this app in specially Galaxy Nexus because of Verizon then below couple of links available to get this facility straight away.

Few weeks ago, we covered an article here that Samsung Galaxy Nexus doesn’t come with the support of Google Wallet.

If you are Nexus user and you need Google Wallet on your phone without rooting it, then here’s an opportunity for you to install an APK file developed by the XDA developers. The developers has promised that there won’t be any problem or issue during the installation of the Google wallet app on LTE Nexus if they wanted to.

According to what Computer World says “the only thing setting it apart from Nexus norms is that Verizon has slapped a couple of its own apps onto the phone (cough, cough, bloatware) — annoying, no doubt, but on the plus side, Ice Cream Sandwich allows you to disable and hide pre-installed apps, and Verizon won’t be messing with that ability.”

According to report, there were few users that have reports issues when they are installing the Google Wallet on their app using a flashable .zip file. And the good news is that, Google will give those people who are able to go through this process free credit of $10. There is no need to wait anymore since the apk file is now available for you to download for your dearly Samsung Galaxy Nexus. If you want to know more other info about Google Wallet and how it works visit the Google Blog here.

To download the APK Files, use any of the download links below.


Link 1 OR Link 2

[source androidpolice]

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4 Responses

  1. Will look forward to use this new online payment method introduced by Google. Its really sad that Paypal got controversial. In some countries Paypal do not work and it becomes very difficult specially when on tour.

    1. It is really a pain for me seeing PayPal as the number one payment system and it doesn’t support every countries of the world – that means, another system has to take the position. In India now, all Paypal users are using it under limitations….what the hell is happening?

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