
House alarms are things which we don’t tend to think about too much. We buy one, get it fitted and then switch it on to protect our property. What could be simpler?

However, modern house alarm systems have some highly advanced technology in them which makes it interesting to spend a bit more time investigating them and how they work.

How House Alarms Technology Saves Us

Wireless Systems

Wireless Systems ready to keep you safe at homeOne of the greatest advances in alarm technology in recent years is that which gives us wireless systems. This isn’t merely an aesthetic improvement, as a wireless alarm will offer the homeowner a more flexible and secure way of protecting their home than a traditional one would. This is because additional detectors can be added easily to the network and there is also no risk of the wires being cut or otherwise rendered useless.

Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic device can help avoid injuries at homeAnother interesting way of protecting home is with alarms which use ultrasonic frequencies. These can’t be heard by humans but are very effective in detecting movement in a property. The detector sends out waves of sound and then receives them back, as they bounce off the walls and furniture. However, if there is unexpected movement in the room then the alarm will pick up on the fact that the sounds come back to it having been altered by that movement.

Heat Detectors

Some of the alarms which most people think detect motion actually detect heat changes. This may not seem like a huge difference but it helps make them more efficient than a motion detector would be. When someone passes the detector it will detect the subtle change in the room’s temperature caused by that person and this will activate the alarm.

Heat Detector Prevents Fire

We have all seen how crime films make great use of light beams crisscrossing a room or protecting a giant precious stone. Of course, the big problem with visible beams is that the criminal can look for a way of getting past them. A better way in most cases is to use infra red beams which are invisible. Instead of just one narrow beam these can be concentrated in blocks to make an implementable barrier.

Infra Red Beams

Infrared BeamWe have all seen how crime films make great use of light beams crisscrossing a room or protecting a giant precious stone. Of course, the big problem with visible beams is that the criminal can look for a way of getting past them. A better way in most cases is to use infra red beams which are invisible. Instead of just one narrow beam these can be concentrated in blocks to make an implementable barrier.

Broadband and Remote Control

The use of broadband communication means that alarm signals can now be sent in a faster and more secure way than ever before. It is certainly a long way from the old fashioned alarms with tripwires and bells to the current models offered by the likes of ADT. You can also integrate your alarm in a smart house design by operating it by remote control. The CCTV monitoring system enables you monitor your house when you are away from home and also to turn it off for your arrival before you even get there.

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