
Gia, an award-winning backup provider, echoes Zettas predictions in the online backup market for 2013. It is widely believed that new generations of online and cloud-based technologies will replace hardware backup appliances, and enterprise grade three-in-one solutions in backup, disaster recovery and archiving will be adopted by small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), education and government institutions, and even large multinationals with distributed locations.Here's what the future holds for online backup in 2013

But what else will 2013 bring?

Five Online Backup Predictions for 2013

1. SMBs, education and local government institutes will lead adoption

A combination of better security standards, enterprise-grade performance and cost advantages will be driving early adoption of cloud-based online backup by SMBs, local government and education institutes.

2. Purpose built hardware backup appliances are on the way out

New remote offsite backup solutions utilising second generation hybrid backup technologies (Hybrid-backup 2.0, Hybrid-cloud 2.0) combines replicated data in the cloud with a “lean” local copy of large data sets. Unlike previous generation’s Hybrid-backup implementations, these don’t involve purpose built backup appliances and other costly and complex hardware.

3. Bandwidth ubiquity enables high-performance online backups for the enterprise

Enterprise grade online server backup adoption has always been limited by the availability and cost of bandwidth. A tipping point will be reached in 2013 as cheap and available bandwidth becomes ubiquitous, and enterprises will exploit it to cloud-enable their data protection operations.

4. Integrated backup, disaster recovery and archiving enables data protection for all

A complete data protection implementation encompassing backup, disaster recovery and archiving used to be the sole preserve of large multinationals. Such solutions used to involve multiple products from disparate vendors, presenting integration complexity and cost barriers affordable only to large companies. New Hybrid-cloud 2.0 technologies streamlines three data protection functions into a single solution, at the same time providing ease of deployment and mass-market affordability even for the SMB.

5. Large multinationals will leverage online backup for distributed operations

Big companies tend to have a global presence distributed throughout the world. Although there’s a tendency for such large enterprises to build their own datacentres and backup solutions, the astute IT decision maker will be taking advantage of the cost and simplicity advantages of Hybrid-backup 2.0, complementary to existing infrastructure and investments.

Other developments such as greener technologies will also come in 2013, and it is set to be another exciting year for business backup solutions.

White Papers on Cloud Hosting

Private Clouds Analyst delivered by Krishnan Subramanian

Hybrid Clouds Analyst delivered by Krishna Subramanian

Public Clouds Analyst delivered by Krishnan Subramanian

What else do you think would’ve added to this post? Do you think about other changes that could occur in the coming weeks or months that you would like us to know about in the cloud technology industry? Please share them in the comment section below.

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14 Responses

  1. CLoud computing has become an important part in one’s life now a days but one should be careful with online backups as they are not much secure. I have written an article on dangers of online backup too..
    I use dropbox and Google drive 🙂

  2. This is almost great idea , but lot of users still confuse about how secure their data on cloud storage?

    Is there any recoverable technique if data lost on cloud? What about it Daniel???

    1. Once you are able to subscribe to a reputable cloud data centre, you are sure of maximum security, I will advice that you may have copy of your most valuable data in a drive. Usually, good cloud centres also have backups in case of any accident, and your data is quickly recovered. They are just like banks with insurance.

  3. Last year i also started using cloud computing and now i’m feeling better as my backups an all other important data is hosted on cloud servers. I’m sure if my pc or laptop gets lost or get damaged than also my dta will be safe in the clouds. It will lead to generation of lots of jobs

  4. Cloud computing is, without a doubt, the way of the future. That is why we’re seeing an uptick in subscription-based services for file storage, collaboration, and software.

    I definitely see real-time backup becoming more widely available at a lower cost. There are quite a bit of solutions out there for WordPress, but I’m sure we’ll be seeing more hosting companies offering this as an included service.

      1. This will be good for everyone in the end. Consumers get better prices/features. Businesses are forced to innovate. Nice talking with you!

        1. You are welcome Rob. The cloud backup system really opened door to innovations, especially in business. It has changed the way people transact.

  5. Cool Stuff!! No doubt that cloud computing is the way for better future. By using cloud backup we can secure our valuable data forever. I have used cloud backup services of Venture Computers Of Canada. You can contact them if you want cloud backup..

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