
For those of you still in doubts about the release of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, check the viral video embedded below. It is an official Samsung Teaser video showing off few out of some of the features that will come with the new android tablet sooner. As you all know, the one that was recently showcased on Amazon, hasn’t made any noise since. So, here is the teaser from Samsung giving you an insights about the new Galaxy Note galaxy note 10.1 teaser

In the meanwhile, the Galaxy Note 10.1 was first seen back then at the Samsung Mobile World Congress and also in April, but then Samsung reports that the device release date and specifications are still in flux. In addition to that, it was caught right on camera last month which is a great sign of the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 coming to market sooner than expected.

Also read: Galaxy Note vs Google Nexus Prime

Take a look at the teaser video to have a better feel of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and also share this revelation with your friends.

When is the Galaxy Note 10.1 going to be shipped?

Presently, we are certain it is going to be released soon but not sure of the official date it is going to be shipped or whether it is going to have pre-order like how Samsung Galaxy SIII does.

Via | Engadget

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One Response

  1. The new Galaxy Note looks very good and it seems a definite improvement, as compared to it rivals. If the price will be affordable for my budget, I consider buying one.

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