
How to Boost your iPhone Battery Life and Enhance Life Span

One of the major problem most Smartphone user faces is quick battery run out and depreciation in battery lifespan. iPhone users often complain of this battery problem and blame Apple for making low capacity batteries. Actually, Apple is not the problem; the company has tried his best making good batteries on those iPhone. The real […]

Apple confirms iOS 5 battery issues – fix coming in weeks

Apple confirms and ready to ix iOS 5 battery issues  Reports from AllThingsD authoritatively claims that Apple has confirmed it has found some problems in relation with its latest iOS that are causing some battery related issues. In his statement which was made directly to AllThingsDigital, the company said: “A small number of customers have reported lower than […]

Easy Steps To Improve iPhone Battery Life – Infographic

Having low battery life on your iPhone? Worry less because we’ve got your back! Wondering how you could reduce your iphone battery lifespan? Discover how to improve your iPhone battery lifespan by 100% following the set guidelines below. How to improve your iPhone battery lifespan with this simple hack! One of the main reasons why […]