3 Simple, Yet Effective Ways Corporate Businesses Use Instagram Stories for Marketing
Promoting corporate links on Instagram hasn’t been that easy until Instagram stories was introduced. Top corporations with good amount of social media budget have been able to take advantage of this new innovation while some are still lost in translation over it. There is now a strong relationship between businesses and social media. This is because […]
Social Media Plan: The Benefits of Social Media Planning For Your Brand
In this technologically advanced world of today, many businesses are starting to take advantage of the power of social media. In most cases, you will be able to have a larger impact on your audience by learning about social media to advertise your business. For new business owners, using social media to get the word […]
How To Make Effective Use of Social Media for Customer Engagement?
It has been rightly said that no other platform can provide you customer engagement better than social media. Social media has emerged out as a medium that provide businesses a platform to showcase their products and services. Most of the web users learn about various brands and businesses from social media. Therefore, one should make […]
Making A Great Social Media Marketing Promotional Strategy
The planning phase that precedes the execution of a task could be the most tedious of the whole process. That is just true of planning social media marketing promotional strategy. Abraham Lincoln’s quote will suffice here: ‘if I have six hours to chop down a tree, I will spend the first four hours sharpening the […]