
Being a software development company owner, you should know the significance and some useful facts about technical debt quadrant. Such knowledge will enable you to tackle problems when you know that you are having technical debt and also to ensure that such problems are not repeated or minimized in the future. Knowing about the kinds and types and its classification will enable you to keep your employees informed and trained as well. It is not always a debt when there is a disorganized code system. It may be the result of the ignorance of the developing team who do not know anything about good code designs.

Facts About Technical Debt Quadrant Not Everyone Are Aware Of

Facts About Technical Debt Quadrant Not Everyone Are Aware Of

Metaphor Not Sustainable 

Tech debt is specifically a metaphor which is not sustainable for the future but can produce you short term benefits due to such quick and unchecked release. You will need to pay off the debt as soon as possible just like any financial debt.  As it is a metaphor, the primary question is whether or not it will be able to deal with the problems with its designing and to find out ways to relate it as well. This is the significant benefit of tech debt as you can communicate it to the non-technical team as well. The nature of debt decides how the metaphor will work and how will it affect the payment of interest as well as paying down the principal in the long run.

Design Flaw Choice

There may be different projects in which systems that have high debt are useful. In such cases, the metaphor helps in discussing the plans to resolve the issue with all your teams, development as well as sales, to keep the code functional and useful for a long, long time. It helps in better client management and also enables you to make different choices with the flaws in designs. When you know that the interest payment is small, then it is not prudent to make a release. Therefore the actual distinction is between prudent or reckless debt instead of debt and non-debt on which the repayment schedule and amount must be conceptualized.

Deliberate Debt Accrued 

Apart from prudent and reckless debt, there is some other interesting distinction. Inadvertent and deliberate debt is also accrued by some companies, and it solely depends on the knowledge and involvement of the development team. Teams take on debt deliberately which is also prudent debt, and they decide whether paying it off now is more beneficial than releasing it with the flaws in it. Any team that is ignorant of it will take on reckless debt not knowing how many problems it will lead you into.

Inadvertent Tech Debt

It is also not true that all reckless debt is inadvertent. Any team following good code designing practice may decide to release the code quickly due to the pressure from the market and do not have time to devote for its cleaning. You may check online to know more about clean codes and its methods. The bottom line is to repay the interest accrued to keep it functional.

Use of credit card in businesses is no doubt increasing day by day and with it is increasing the debt issues related with it. Credit card debts are common these days and people find it hard to pay it back on time. The best way to pay off credit cards is through proper planning and taking the help of consolidation. Consolidation is one of the most popular and effective method these days in order to manage your debts well and live a tension free life.

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