The Awesomeness of Yesware at Email tracking, Sync and Reminder tools that help you close deals now added.
Sometimes when you send out important Emails maybe on business proposal or about deals, you eagerly await a reply. You never knew maybe your Email was opened at all lest to talk about getting a reply. What if you have a tool that will help you track all your outgoing Email messages?
Yesware has a solution to take care of that for you!
The greatest problem in business development, sales and partnership is managing your pipeline. The closely related challenge is managing, tracking and keeping up to date with the email inbox. Searching the online far and wide, no tool seems to be able to be accurate in nailing the shortcomings.
Recently, a friend told me about Yesware, although he sent it to get points into his referral account, but it did me better. I immediately installed Yesware into my Gmail account and my inbox got transformed into a nerve body, sensitive to all activities.
Yesware has a goal of helping sales people close deals via Email tracking and gauging their efficiency in email communication with customers. The app is concerned with these questions; was the message opened? When and how many times? Is there any response to my email messages?
Founded in 2010 by Matthew Bellows (CEO) and team members, Yesware have grown and by January 2013, already running 17 employees. The user base rapidly increased from 5,000 to more than 120,000. Some of the big customers that use Yesware include, Groupon, Xactly, GoodData, BrightCove, HubSpot, Demandforce, Adroll and Cloud Sherpas.
Yesware Email tracker is adding new features to its product line.
Matthew and his team have worked to build two more features to Yesware to aid the sales battle: Yesware Reminder and Calendar Sync.
The Reminder Feature
The Reminder allows user to set a future time to check in with the email recipient, the reminder will pop up important information about the prospect; number of email sent, where and when they were opened, if at all they were opened.
Rivals of this feature are Followup and Baydin. But I believe these companies has a long way to go to catch up with Yesware present popularity in helping business close business deals.
The Calendar Sync Feature
Calendar Sync will allow you sync appointments that are mostly scrambled between Google Calendar and This feature directly competes with Appiro’s Cloud Sync.
Want to follow up a track of all your Email messages, join the league here:
Have you had time to check how Yesware really works? What do you think about Yesware business benefits? Can you recommend yesware to your friends and relatives? Let me know your views and suggestions.
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