The Domain Name and Its Effect on Your Business
The domain name you choose for your company represents one of the most important factors for growing your business. It helps your business website rank better in search engine results, mostly through keyword placement in the domain name and domain age and authority. In other words, domain name selection is a fundamental factor for any […]
Can This Brand Help Small Businesses Secure Premium Company Names?
Online branding is one of the worthiest investment portfolios any established or aspiring startup should consider investing in. This is an investment to earn the respect and attention it truly deserves. An investment to dominate and get the brand’s message out there. Investments ranging from premium company name acquisitions, picking a branded social media ID across […]
Domain Names Hack: 5 Trends To Consider When Domaining
Just as there are lots of ways to make and lose money in the stock market, there are also lots of opportunities to make and lose money when buying and selling domain names. Sometimes you get lucky and score a big win, but oftentimes you end up sitting on a domain name without a buyer […]