
Mac Task Manager: Why is Task Manager for Mac Important?

All Apple computers come with the Mac task manager utility (Activity Monitor). Task manager is provided to help you track the performance of your computer programs. On the PC, there’s the Windows default task manager, which allows you to get behind the scenes on your computer. If you’ve grown up using a PC, then you’re probably […]

How to Restore deleted files on the Mac OS using the power of Mac Terminal

A brief about Mac OS and Terminal We all have knowledge on Macintosh computers. Don’t we? Macintosh or simply Mac OS is one of the most well-known Graphical User Interface based operating system developed by Apple for Macintosh computers. The concept of Mac OS is different from system softwares like MS DOS as it expertizes […]

Discovery: 8-character OS X bug crashes almost any Mac app

Apple always tries to avoid massive bugs in its software, but still, bugs still exist. A new fatal OS X bug has just being discovered. Over the week, some developers were posting on OpenRadar, and noticed a fatal bug capable of crumbling almost anything on Mac application by just typing an 8-character code, will cause […]