
How to Split Files Manually – Top 3 Approaches To Split PST Files

Microsoft Outlook stores every item such as emails, calendars, contacts, etc. in PST file format. We all know that it gets tedious to manage these PST files. An Oversized PST file reduces performance & efficiency while working with MS Outlook.  In such conditions, it becomes difficult to stay productive and to increase productivity users want […]

Export PST to Office 365 With Manual & Automatic Approach

Nowadays, multiple number of email clients are being used by the users for their business purpose, which store their mail items in the PST file format. Some of the email applications that use PST file which is used for storing Outlook information like emails, contacts, tasks, etc. However, with the latest release of Microsoft Office […]

PST Merge Software to Merge Multiple Outlook PST Files into One

If you are an Outlook user, you might be well aware of the fact that managing multiple PST files in a single account can be very troublesome at times. The problem becomes even worse, when the PST files belong to different versions of Outlook. For instance, in case you are using Outlook 2010 and you […]