Wearable Technologies: How is Wearable Technology Set to Affect Healthcare?
Over the past ten years, wearable technology has paved the way for innovations in tracking fitness, sleep disturbance and making communication devices more accessible and easier to manage. Everything from FitBits to the iWatch have harnessed the possibilities that technology in contact with the body brings. In terms of personal health, wearable technologies have already become […]
Wearables You Could Buy This Christmas Season
You’re looking for something to give out for Christmas to someone who can’t get enough of technology? Chances are that he or she is thinking about wearables this year since these new products have been all the talk at the different tech shows around the world. As the month of December starts, wearables will be […]
The History – and Future – of Wearable Tech
Wearable tech is not a new concept. In fact, the earliest record dates back to before electricity revolutionized the modern world. In the 1600s in China’s Qing Dynasty period a tiny, seven-rodded abacus with beads that could only be moved using a needle was designed as a finger ring. It was probably used by traders. […]