
In recent weeks a couple of the biggest names in tech and news have taken a bit of a hit. Mashable failed to raise additional funding and has been sold, and Buzzfeed announced it was laying off 100 plus staff. So what’s causing the problems? Are all those loyal followers beginning to look elsewhere for up-to-date tech news? Here are a few of the lesser known tech blogs that might be stealing today’s new digital geeks. We are certain you might never have heard about some of these top tech blogs.

Top Tech Blogs You Probably Aren’t Aware Of That Actually Rocks!

Top tech blogs around the world you do not know about.
Looking for Alternatives? Here are the top tech blogs around the world you do not know that actually exists.

A favoured site for both experienced and up and coming developers, will be celebrating its 10th birthday in 2018. From job opportunities to problem solving to new developments and technologies, the site boasts 50 million visitors a month. Professional and amateur developers alike meet to share experiences, solutions and enhance their career opportunities.

As you might have guessed, if it’s to do with Android it’s to do with The latest news, product reviews, new apps, games, tutorials, videos podcasts, the latest hacks and the latest on custom ROMs. In fact everything any self-respecting Androidphile could need can be found on the site.

Smashing Magazine

Targeted at developers and web designers, Smashing Magazine is a wholly independent, 11 years old operation specialising in things that actually work – or don’t. If you have aspirations of breaking into web design or becoming a developer this could be a good place to start. A small tight-knit operation that put their faith more into team players than the latest bug squashing superhero.

Switched on Insurance

Yes you’re right, an insurance site where you can protect all your digital gadgets under one roof. Because they specialise in phones, laptops, tablets cameras and the like, they are able to offer extremely competitive quotes, but the site is much more than just insurance. Their blog is chock full of hints, tips, how-to, and the latest gizmos and apps that might be just what you’re looking for without getting bogged down in the heavy technical stuff. Visit

A site specialising in all things Apple, from the iPhone to the iMac Pro and MacBook Pro. It’s not just about the latest gadgets and gizmos either. The site just loves the rumours that turn up on a regular basis. A weekly visit to this site will keep you firmly in the loop when it comes to the latest technology to escape from the Apple stable.

A popular portal for the latest technology news, research, changes and events across a wide range of platforms. Run by experienced journalists, the blog, news articles and interviews attract company executives, start-up entrepreneurs and techies alike. If you like to keep abreast of the latest digital trends from gaming to big data, bots, business and cloud, to development, marketing and media, to mobile, security and transportation, Venture beat can probably supply the answer.

There are hundreds of old and new tech blogs out there which, for a variety of reasons are sadly overlooked by many. Next time give yourself a new perspective on technology reporting, and dig a little deeper.

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3 Responses

  1. You have shared a few different tech blog sites. I am a tech blog lover and also follow top tech review sites including TechCrunch, The Verge, CNET and one new ones out there. I really liked that you have shared a new set of tech blog sites. I am excited to read the blogs from there.

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