
Technological growth has refused to leave a loop space, as everything is affected. The old time TVs don’t show colored images, when the color technology came, we thought we have got it all right and that will be the alpha and omega of TV making in the black big box that requires your whole household to lift when about to be placed. This age really proved things wrong as cinema has now being brought right into our living rooms. It doesn’t end there. Samsung is telling us that the flat screen system will soon become an old school and came up with its completely different patented innovation; The Curved OLED TV.Samsung curved OLED TV

Samsung in an attempt to maintain its position as the leader in the television market kicked off the sales of its new next generation curved OLED TV, but set at a whooping of $13,000.

The Korean based electronics company already took nearly a third of global volume in TV deals, it plans to stay at the top and released two types of next generation technology: Organic light emitting diode screen that are lighter and more vivid than the conventional liquid crystal display, and ultra-high definition that boasts four times the resolution of present ones.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, rivals LG Electronics Inc and Sony Corp are also on fire to bomb out these kinds of technologies.

An analyst from Nomura in Seoul, C.W. Chung, said “The technology is still not mature and production cost is extremely high for large OLED sets.”

As analyst spoke, they specified that the rollout is just a publicity effort for Samsung, but not really an effort to actually sell those TVs. The focal point will be how companies can quickly produce heavy quantity large OLED sets at cheaper rates.Samsung curved OLED TVs

The mechanism behind the curved OLED TV

Wondering if this curved technology is not an error rather than the flat stuffs we are used to, Samsung said viewing images from curved displays is really comfortable to the human eye, the shape enables the distance between the viewer and the screen to be the same from most angles.

The world largest TV maker would start selling the 55-inch curved OLED TV sets in 20 stores at its home country South Korea. The time those sets will be available elsewhere is not specified.

The display units at Samsung has so much invested in OLED displays, highly touted for superthin, light structures because they don’t require backlight and are more energy efficient than the present displays. The challenge now is the mass production because of the technological constraint involved in producing large screen in high number volume. The company has long being using the OLED technology in its smartphone especially the Galaxy line.

Sony in 2007 introduced its first 11-inch model OLED color set, but the company had faced the challenges of improving these technologies in larger sizes. The big challenge made Sony conclude that mass producing the OLED screen will result in huge loss except consumers are willing to pay heavy amount above the price of LCD sets. Sony’s TV business has been unprofitable for nine years and has refused to make OLED sets for the past six years.

Although the company has been engaging in researches and development work, but it has not laid out plans to venture into making OLED screens for consumers. At the CES 2013, Sony showcased a prototype ultrahigh-definition, 56-inch OLED TV. It is working with Panasonic Corp to develop new production method for OLED panels.

Samsung on the other hand has been hyping OLED TV sets for years hoping that as it builds expertise in the technology, production cost will fall.

Although for some couple of years, the company has to continue in the manufacturing of normal LCD sets to save its profit margin from falling until things get right for the large-screen curved OLED TV models.

Samsung has been experiencing weak demand in its consumer electronics reaching 2% in the first quarter.

The OLED TV models have been unveiled over a year now by Samsung, but there have been difficulties in bringing them to market.

Apart from the curved OLED TV technologies, other product introduced by Samsung includes; Ultra-high definition models with 55 and 65-inch LCD screens.

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