7 Ways Chatbots Can Help Your Business with Lead Generation Efforts

Did you know that 85% of customer interaction will be handled without human involvement by 2021? One of the main reasons why more and more businesses are implementing chatbots because it delivers a host of benefits. Some of the benefits of using a chatbots are as follows: Improve customer service Deliver a personalized user experience […]
7 Ways Technology is Revolutionizing Civil Engineering as We Know it
There are few fields that are as dynamic as civil engineering. Not only that, but the changes that affect the industry are affecting the way we live our everyday lives directly. New materials, techniques, and approaches are being introduced, and the job of civil engineers is constantly evolving as well. Here are some of the […]
Artificial Intelligence – The Game Changer of Modern Day Business
Artificial Intelligence — the capacity for machines to associate and figure out how to do errands recently performed by people—is significantly affecting the manner in which businesses work, take care of issues, and speak with customers. Today realizingly or unconsciously we are encompassed by AI in pretty much every part of life from health to […]
3 Important Applications of Conveyor Systems for Business Solutions
There are many areas of modern life where conveyor systems are put to good use. As the word “convey” implies, these types of mechanical systems are designed and constructed primarily to transport or move things from one point to another. This is especially useful when human force or labor is not sufficient, safe, or effective. […]
Robotic Evolution – Why a Sushi-Making Robot is No Small Deal
As robotics becomes increasingly sophisticated, we’re going to start seeing it pop up in places we haven’t expected. Still, you might not have thought that sushi-making was going to be the site of the next big robot revolution. Nonetheless, that’s what seems to have happened, with automation giant Kawasaki creating a robot sushi chef that […]
The Next Generation of Robotic Technologies for Home
From the days of Dexter, the boy genius and Batman with his smart cave and even more recently on movies such as Marvel’s Iron Man towering in his Point Dome House. From the above examples we have visualized how smart homes are a fantasy comes true. In reality, we are not far off neither are […]