
You would have seen some of your friends in various social networking sites, having their cartoon-ed pictures as their DP. You would have wondered lately how to create such interesting pictures of yourself too. That doesn’t require you to learn tricky Photoshop tutorials. You can Cartoonize yourself easily in the web.

There are many sites available online that lets you create cartoons that resemble you, You can then set them as your DP or profile picture as some sites call it, in various SN sites and be the center of attraction. Here I have compiled a list of 10 sites that let you Cartoonize yourself.cartoonize yourself

Best 10 Sites to Cartoonize Yourself Now!

#1 Face Your Manga

The best site out there, Let you create cartoon pictures of yourself that almost look like you. Try it out at

#2 Simpsons Movie

Create Simpson like pictures of yourself here. Enter the site and look in for the option to create a simpson you at the top menu. check at

#3 Yahoo Avatars

This is from Yahoo, this web app has plenty of features, you have wide varieties of accessories to choose from. This can be a pretty interesting thing to meddle with in your free time. Check at

#4. SP Studio

If Simpson Movie site was for Simpsons, this site is for South Park. All SP fans go here and you know what it is capable of doing. South-Park-Yourself at

#5 Illustration Maker

Illustration Maker might not be what you’re looking for but you can still try it out. Go check it out at

#6 Wee World

Cartoons created using this site may not absolutely look like you, but you can just have the pleasure of creating cartoons here. Create cartoons at

#7 Mii

A simple tool, with less options but lot of fun. Mii may not be the best cartoonizer, but it surely one of the easiest to work with. Mess around at

#8 Befunky

You might have already heard about this, it is a very popular web carton creation app which can be used to create awesome cartoon of yourself! Do the justice at

#9 Moonjee

The site’s purpose is actually different, but however you can use it for cartoonizing you. Check it out at

#10 Cartoon Your World

Requires you to download it. But fun to use. Check at These sites are  not arranged in any increasing or decreasing order of awesomeness, just try them and pick your favorite. My personal favorites are at #1 and #2 Try these sites and create cartoon pics of yourself and share your favorite ones with us too. Here is a pic I created using the site at #2. Looks cool huh ? 😛

Image: Bamidele Onibalusi

Do you guys know some other valuable (useful and resourceful) websites out there where we could cartoonize our image for better output, please endeavor to share them below.

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6 Responses

  1. Nice sharing, I was searching it form long time. I want Cartoon of myself because i need to post it on FB. thank you soo much Olawale Daniel for sharing it.

    1. You are welcome Samir. Hope you will make something nice for your Facebook with those sites.

  2. just superb… can i translate your article in regional language and share on my gujarati facebook page with your link? Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks, Its up to you. You can go ahead, but I will like to get the Facebook page to see it.

  3. Wow – that is some good stuff. For the shy or someone who just wants something a little different.

  4. Amazing stuff I was looking for it since a long time. I now have access to the cartoon making tools at my disposal. Thanks for sharing this post with us.

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