Can Instagram help e-commerce websites boost sales and revenue? The answer is yes, it can! Many webmasters are not sure on how they can double their e-commerce sales with the help of Instagram. If you look at the social media platform Instagram, you will find that the platform has over 300 million active users online daily. Recently, statistics have revealed that the social media platform has crossed 500 million users. This means like Facebook and Twitter, Instagram also lies at the forefront when it comes to social media marketing.

Why opt for Instagram for your e-commerce website today?
There are approximately 68% of Instagram followers that associate themselves with the different brands available in the market. If you compare this percentage with Facebook, you will find that it is only 32%. Gone are the days when retailers underestimated Instagram when it comes to the generation of product sales on their websites. However, if you take a look at Instagram, you will find that there is no place for you to put your active link to the site other than the bio section of your account. However, despite the above, you find that the number of Instagram users and followers are growing fast day by day. This makes it one of the most widely sought after social media platforms in the market today.
Double sales on your ecommerce website with Instagram
The following are some simple tips that every e-commerce website owner should keep in mind when it comes to doubling their sales with the help of Instagram:-
Cut the sales talk out
Now, this is obvious- if you are going to sell a product, it is important for you to sound persuasive. However, Instagram is no sales platform. Post pictures with real people in real life situations. This will ensure that you will get them interested in your product. Instagram needs pictures that speak about the benefits the product can bring to your life and not the features it has in the market.
Increase reach to the targeted audience
If you wish to increase sales of your e-commerce website, you need to connect and reach out to more people. This can be done with the tag a friend option where you reach out not only to your circle but their circle as well. You must also remember to hashtag your photo with the relevant word. Do not hashtag your picture with many words – maximum five words will help you reach out to people.
Resort to the principle of influencer marketing
You can opt for celebrity endorsements of your product to get it selling for you. Take for example weight loss tea or a fitness protein shake. You can rope in a celebrity to spread the message and let people know how your product can help them in weight management and overall fitness.
Content is still the king
Most real Instagram followers state that they follow accounts primarily because of the genuine content they post. When you are creating content for your Instagram picture, ensure that it is high in quality. A trick is you can create content that revolves around the hashtags that you use for your product. When you are posting images ensure that you use a picture size that is 1080×1080 pixels. The content on your Instagram handle and caption also influences the likes of followers. Make sure that you create content and use to scheduling software like Latergramme to publish posts for you. In this way, you do not have to log into Instagram all the time and manually publish the posts yourself.

Engage with your followers
It is important for you to allocate some time and engage with your followers. It is important for you to personally connect with your Instagram followers and reply to the comments that they make on your posts. This also increases customer loyalty as followers are getting the chance of interacting with you. You invoke trust, credibility, and value when you interact with them. The comments should be read carefully as most of the time you will find that customers have posted their feedback on a particular product for you to take note of.
Track the conversion to the check- out process
It is imperative for you to track the journey of the user from the conversion to the check -out process. You should study these steps and see if you are able to reduce the number of steps or not. You might have to change your strategy. You can place an active link in the bio section of your Instagram account and have your customers click on it to get access to the process directly. It might seem challenging however if you can reduce the number of steps from the conversion to the check- out process, customers are more likely to come back as they know they can buy products from your website without hassles at all!
Present the culture around your product
If you take a look at the Nike brand, you will find that they post photos of their products however they also create a positive association with them as well. This is the secret of connecting with their targeted audience. It is important for you to ensure that you follow this strategy that will bring you positive marketing results.
Therefore, Instagram is a great boon to you if you know how to use it effectively for increasing the sales of your ecommerce website. With the help of Instagram, you can increase the sales of your products and reach out to a large customer base. You have to devise and develop a content strategy that works. At the same time, you must reply and interact with the feedback and comments you receive on your page. With the aid of the above tips, being on Instagram will give you an edge in the e-commerce market and boost sales. You can double sales and be in the forefront of the competition with success!
Most buy real Instagram followers state.